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it's finally time for the game. yoongi was actually able to come to this one since their basketball season has come to an end and the state championship wasn't for another few weeks. the boys are doing their normal pregame before running out to the field. namjoon looks up at the stands, making eye contact with seokjin. he winks at the boy before going to do warmups.

the amount of questions seokjin got throughout the day because he was wearing namjoon's hoodie was crazy. "are you and namjoon dating?" "y'all are so cute!" "how'd you get his hoodie?" seokjin was a bit overwhelmed with all the sudden questions, but still answered all of them politely. he happens to be sitting with his sister, yoongi, and areum. and of course, yoongi is wearing hoseok sweatshirt like he always does on gamedays.

lucky for taehyung, he's got all of his friends starting on the field with him. he's got jimin, hoseok, namjoon, and taemin on the field with him. he couldn't feel anymore confident. he looks over at the sidelines and his eyes connect with jungkook's. jungkook nods at the boy and winks. taehyung nods back and prepares for the game to start.

the whistle blows, indicating the start of the game. hoseok fights for the ball, eventually getting it and running down the field. taehyung watches his new best friend play, noticing how fast his hands are and how good hoseok sees the field. hoseok makes a pass to jimin who weaves through the defensive players on the other team, scoring a point immediately.

everyone celebrates, a roar of cheers coming from the huge crowd in the stands. it's shocking to the schools they play when they see the amount of people in the bleachers watching the game. lacrosse is one of the most watched games at their school, which people don't tend to expect.

by the time the crowd is done cheering, the ball is back to the center of the field for another face-off. the whistle blows once again, the boys in the middle fighting for the ball. hoseok wins once again, running down the field to their goal. he cradles the ball before throwing it to the other attacker, sam. sam cradles the ball before shooting it into the net. the goalie for the other team catches the ball and throws it to one of his midfielders.

"that's alright, man." jimin yells. the midfielder catches the ball and starts heading towards taehyung's direction. taehyung gets in positions to be ready for a shot at any moment. his old team continues passing the ball all over the place and taehyung doesn't take his eye off of the ball. one of the attackers weaves around namjoon and taemin then goes towards taehyung and shoots the ball, taehyung saving the ball and quickly passing it to hoseok.

taehyung, satisfied with his pass to his friend, nods at his skill. the rest of the game continues like that, both teams neck and neck with each other. it is finally the last 3 minutes of the last quarter and taehyung's team is winning by 1 point. taehyung had just had his 3rd save of the night, passing it to hoseok once again. he watches hoseok run down the field with the ball until a person from the other team body checks him, making hoseok fall to the ground.

the crowd gasps from the hit, the referee immediately blowing the whistle to stop the play. hoseok rolls around the ground in pain while holding his knee, coach min and other assistants running to the boys side. the rest of the players stand and watch the boy. hoseok takes off his helmet, almost yelling in pain. coach min helps the medical staff lift the boy up. yoongi gets up from his seat and runs down to where hoseok will be coming off the field.

a total of 5 people had to help him off the field and onto a stretcher. "wait." hoseok croaks out, still in a tremendous amount of pain. "buddy, we can't wait much longer." the paramedic says. hoseok shakes his head. "can my boyfriend come?" he asks, the paramedic sighing. "he can't, bud. but he can come say bye before we take you to the hospital." he says.

hoseok motions for yoongi to come onto the field, yoongi jumping over the fence and running to his boyfriend's side. the paramedics and medical staff put hoseok on a stretcher and start rolling him off the field. "hey, hobi. it's alright, i know it hurts." yoongi says, caressing the boys hair as they walk to the ambulance. hoseok is groaning in pain and yoongi grabs his hand, people awing at the sight.

the paramedics put hoseok in the back of the ambulance on the stretcher while everyone claps for hoseok's bravery, leaving yoongi on the sidelines by himself. jungkook goes up to his friend and wraps an arm around his shoulders to comfort him. honestly, luck hadn't been in the couples favor these past few weeks. they had been fighting a bit more than usual, yoongi's going to america, and hoseok had just gotten seriously injured.

yoongi watches as the ambulance drives off the field and to the hospital. jungkook rubs the shorter males back. "it's okay, he's hoseok. he's tough." jungkook comforts yoongi. by now the game had started back, everyone still shaken up by the previous events. yoongi is allowed to stay on the field since there was only a few minutes left in the game and it wasn't a big deal.

the game eventually ended, seoul winning by two points thanks to jimin scoring again. the teams shake hands, taehyung being at the end of the line. when the players get to him they all give him a dirty look, sloppily shaking his hand and walking off. taehyung finds these little actions humorous, but jungkook finds them childish and rude.

the team has a little meeting after they shake hands in the locker room. "good game, boys. we did great as usual, but there's still things to work on. we'll never be perfect, i'll never expect that. but we do need to worry about jung. he had a nasty fall out there. just check on him and yoongi. alright, good job tonight." coach min says before calling it up and leaving the locker room.

the boys get dressed and taehyung, jungkook, jimin, namjoon, and taemin decide to go visit their injured teammate and close friend. as they're walking out of the locker room, jungkook walks up to taehyung. "hey, what was their problem?" he asks, wanting to kick their asses at that moment. taehyung just shakes his head. "they're just jealous. kind of like someone else's was today." he says jokingly while looking at jungkook.

jungkook giggles and rolls his eyes playfully. they begin walking towards their cars before taehyung decides to get on jungkook's nerves one last time. "also, jungkook. was that athletic enough for you?" taehyung says, pointing to the lacrosse field. he gets in his car before jungkook can respond. jungkook bites his tongue and shakes his head.

'he really just did that.'

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