Chapter 43

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Luna's POV

The time was about six in the evening when I decided to go and prepare Sin's dinner.
My walking into the kitchen was more like havoc as the moment my foot set place in it, whispers begun to be heard from the rest of help.

It was a long time ago when I last gave a shit about what people thought about me so today it didn't bother me as much.

"Isn't she embarrassed? I mean she's practically slutting herself around this house." Said one of the maids.

"Maybe she thinks she'll sleep her way into the one of boss's luxury life, she's practically a prostitute." Said another.

The grip I had on chopping knife tightened and I felt my blood boil. Fist of all they don't even know half of the shit they're talking about. If they were gonna accuse me of whoring, they should at least say it right.

"Too bad she's just not any of the bosses type, she's just gonna get disposed." Said the voice again.

"Yeah I mean who's actually think of getting on with a maid. She's gotta just accept that she's one of us." Said another again as they began laughing

My chopping then became aggressive. The knife hit vigorously against the chopping board making a sound that bounced around the kitchen walls.

Finally calming myself down I heard their continuos whispering and laughing.

"Don't you all have work to do?" Said the woman who came with Travis to the house who is her stepsister. If I'd remembered correctly, her name was Tory.

"Uhm ma'am we-"

"Get to it." She said cutting of whoever it was who was trying to respond.

The girls didn't think twice before grabbing their required equipment and went to out the kitchen to their stations.

"Can I get you something ma'am?" I asked as the kitchen was silent with just the two of us left.

I had never interacted with Tory before. She and her mom were really busy people. The only time was when I'd found her in the study, the day I found that portfolio. Other than serving her breakfast and dinner I'd never really gotten the chance to read her profile.

"No, I just came here for water."
She said as she took a glass and filled it with tap water.

Nodding, I finished chopping the peppers and took out the pan.

"Gail right?" She asked as she observed my profile.

"Yes." I said as I turned and faced her.

"So instead of getting fired, you get a promotion? Is it me or are you just lucky?" She said giving me a look of curiosity and creased her brow.

"Sorry?" I asked displaying confusion but I already knew that despite being absent, she was quite informed.

"I mean, you're debacle had us all shocked. You left Carina livid and she even fired you, how does it happen that now you're the personal maid?" She asked and then took a sip of her water.

"With all due respect ma'am, I don't know what you think of me but if I got this a promotion it's certainly because I earned it."

"Woah, hold on there. I never said you didn't earn it, was just just curious of where you get so much luck huh?" She said.

"Luck? Ma'am it's called hard work." I said as I stared her in the eyes, I kept the respect there but I also made sure to not falter.

"C'mon, everyone knows that you've been here for only a few months. You can't possibly get a promotion so fast." She said with a smirk as she placed her glad on the counter, now fixing her gaze on me.

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