Chapter 57

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Luna's POV

"Cry, you tramp. Cry as much as you want..." He said as he banged my head against the wall.

"The truth is that whether you like it or not, mom and dad are dead and it's all your fault." He said those words with so much distaste that I felt my heart begin to tear.

I began squirming and kicking my legs as I started getting light headed.
Right when I was about to land a proper kick to his crotch, Travis abrubtly let go of my neck and I fell to the floor straight on my ass.

I coughed repeatedly as I welcomed fresh air into my system and placed my hands right where his hand was, around my neck.

He backed away from me and turned around, having his back to me.

"Well you're crazier than I thought you were." I coughed out in teary breaths.

"In fact you're delusional! You were the one who pulled that trigger, Travis. You were the one who burned the house and our parents to ashes and you're telling me that it's my fault!?" I screamed out to him with as much force as I could pull out as I was now choking on my own tears.

"Shut up!..." He started.

"It's the truth!" I screamed back as I got up from the floor.

"I said shut the fuck up!!" He barked as he threw an object straight at my direction.

Luckily for me, I was able to dodge it and only when it shattered against the wall did I realise that it was a vase. As to when exactly did he get the vase in his hands, I was clueless.

That thought flew out of the window as I could feel my heart drumming against my ribcage at realisation that the vase only missed me by a few inches.

"You psycho, you could've hit me." I spat to him.

"That was the plan." He vilely said and I couldn't believe it.

Travis then faced his back to me once again for a quick second before he turned back again as if remembering something.

I inwardly cursed at myself as I was still catching my breath, my heavy breathing as proof of that.

"You wanna know something?" He said, looking me straight in the eyes.

I saw an evil smirk forming on his lips before he spoke.

"They were already dead when I set the house aflame but nothing was as satisfying to me than watching them slowly burn to ashes."

I didn't miss the twinkle that was in his eyes as Travis said those words, proving to me just how disturbing and disgusting this man before me was.

To think that he was my own brother.

My chest tightened as his description of what happened that night brought me back vivid memories and they did nothing but add to the pain that I was feeling.

"When I come to think of it, you should've died right with them." He said so nonchalantly that it was scary.

On hearing those words I looked up at him and only then did I realise that he was right in front of me and not where I last saw him.

"Why, because you wanted to see me suffer? You hated me that much that you decided to end your own parents' lives." I asked him with tears now almost clouding my vision and my voice beginning to falter.

"Yes Luna I despise you, I hate you and like I just said if I had it my way I would've killed you along with your pathetic parents." He said to my face, each word dripping of hatred.

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