Baby Season

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7 Months Later... July 25, 2015

I sat with Dean in the waiting room as Renee and Isaac had their baby. My stomach was swollen and I could not believe how big I was. Dean and I refused to know the sex of the baby. We felt that it would be even more special if it were a surprise.

I see Isaac run around the corner with a smile beaming across his face. I stand up, anxious for the news.

"It's a Girl!" He exclaims. I run and hug him.

"I'm so happy for you." I whisper. He nods. Dean walks over.

"So, do you have a name?" Dean asks. Isaac smiles.

"Yes, we decided to name our baby girl, Clara Faith O'Grady." He replies. A tear falls down my cheek.

"That is a beautiful name." I compliment. Throughout the night, Dean and I meet Isaac's daughter and talk about our family.

"So if we have a girl, what name would you want?" Dean asks.

"I'd probably want to name Her after my mother and AJ, so Diane April Good." I answer. He nods in agreement.

"I like that. What about a boy?" He questions anxiously. I giggle.

"After my father and brother obviously!" I reply. "Jason Isaac Good!" I state. I see a frown appear on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned. He begins tapping his foot and I lose my patience. "Spit it out!" I yell.

"If we have a son, I want it to be a junior!" He admits. I look at him in confusion.

"We will have a junior, just after we have Jason." I promise. He shakes his head.

"That's not fair, why is it that you are the only one who gets a say?" He accuses. I'm taken aback by his anger, but I wasn't about to back down.

"Maybe because I'm the one who has to protect and carry this baby to term." I argue.

"Yeah cause you did an amazing job the first time." He sneers. I look at him in shock and tears form in my eyes. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Listen, I'm being an asshole, I'm so-" I didn't stay. I ran off, way too emotional to think clearly.
25 Days Later, August 19, 2015

Dean and I had made up from the fight, but we refused to bring up the issue of the child's name. I am exhausted and I feel as though I am going to collapse as my belly seems to stretch out at least 2 feet. Dean was out doing a WWE event while I was at home cleaning.

No matter how much I cleaned the house it never seemed to be clean enough. I hear the doorbell ring. I go downstairs and open it and in comes Isaac with one of the baby harnesses and his daughter. She was an angel.

"Oh my God! Hi there my little sugar plum." I greet my niece affectionately. Isaac smiles.

"She's amazing isn't she?" He whispers. I nod and give him a kiss on the cheek. "So, how's my little niece or nephew doing?" He asks. I laugh.

"I'm telling you it's going to be a boy." I state. Isaac looks at me confused.

"How do you know?" He asks.

"Because like all other men in my life, this one is also a pain in my ass." I joke. Isaac laughs. I laugh too until my stomach starts to hurt. "Ow, Ow!" I groan as I get up I hear a huge splash and look down to see a puddle on the floor. Isaac is panicking.

"Oh my God! It's time!" He exclaims. I look at him in shock. He grabs me by the arm and drags me to the car. "I'm going to get you to the hospital and I want you to call Dean." He says, tossing me his cellphone. I nod and lay down in the backseat. I dial Dean's number and wait for it to answer.

"Hey Isaac, what's up?" Dean greets.

"No, it's me Faith!" I clarify. I had concern enter Dean's voice as he replies.

"Honey, what's wrong?" He asks.

"The baby's coming. I'm on my way to Boston General" I explain.

"Oh my God! Okay! This is Happening!  I'll be there soon!" I hear him shouting all at once I hang up and call Renee and AJ. As I hang up my final call I smile. I'm going to be a mother.
                                     *          *          *

"Okay, so it seems that you are about ready to start pushing." The Doctor says excitedly. I am in inconceivable pain. My downstairs area feels like it is on fire. Dean is holding my hand. "Okay Clara I need you to push." I push but it feels as though nothing is happening. "Push." He repeats.

"I am pushing God Dammit!" I scream. Dean laughs. I look at him in anger. "Why are you laughing? It's your baby I'm pushing out of me. Its your spawn that's making me feel as though I might die!" I yell. He running his hands through my hair.

"Don't worry, you're doing perfect." He soothes. I nod and continue t push. I can feel as the baby is born and it is one of the most amazing feelings in the world, despite all the pain and blood.

"Waaahhh!" I hear a cry. I look up and see Dean crying too at the sight of our baby.

"It's a boy!" The Doctor exclaims. They take him to measure him while Dean strokes my forehead.

"Thank you!" He whispers, kissing my head, I look him in the eyes and smile.

"No, thank you." I reciprocate. The Doctor hands me My son and I hold him cautiously.

"Have a name?" He asks. Dean and I look at each other and he smiles and nods.

"Jason Isaac Good." Dean tells the doctor. I look at him in shock.

"What about your junior?" I ask. He smiles.

"After this one, I guess we'll just have to keep trying to get that junior." He teases. I kiss him while holding my baby. We're going to be happy, in fact we are going to be perfect. Thank you Everybody!
I want to Thank everyone who read this from beginning to the end and supported me by voting and commenting, it meant a lot. Like I've said before I am open to a sequel so if you guys are interest comment using "YES! YES! YES!" and I will try to get that done. It was o much fun doing this story and I hope everyone enjoyed it.
Special Thanks to WWESam for being an inspiration for me. I could never had done this without your support. Thank you Goodnight!

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