Hell in a Cell

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I am stretching in preparation of my match, I still had a headache on Tuesday so I couldn't film Smackdown and didn't compete. That was fine, it just gave me time to prepare more for my match against Eva. AJ and I were with Dean watching the action from backstage. When Nikki won, I shook my head, when Gold and Sturdust won, I scoffed. They walked by us and I say loud enough for them to hear.

"Nice to know you can only win by cheating." They turn to me, flip me off and walk away. I laugh and shake my head in response. I don't know, I guess part of me doesn't like wrestlers who are too malicious or feel as though they have to cheat to win. Don't get me wrong, I'm no angel, but I do have certain lines I would never cross. John Cena and Randy Orton's match starts and that seems to really raise AJ's interest. Dean and I are more interested in our own matches and we begin to talk.

"So, you're going to be literally headlining a WWE pay per view, how do you feel?" I ask.

"Jesus, you sound like Renee Young." He teases. I push him playfully.

"No, but seriously. How do you feel?" I repeat.

He shrugs. "Do I have to feel anything.?" He counters. I guess I never thought about it like that.

Eva comes walking by. "Good Luck Clara, I hope you can win for your dead baby." She smirks. I slap Eva across the face. She falls down to the ground and I smile.

"Our match is next, an I'm going to demolish you." I snarl before walking over to AJ, who doesn't forget Raw.

"And if by some miracle of by you cheating, if you beat Clara, then I'll finish you off myself." AJ declares.

"I look forward to it." Eva says with a smile before getting up and skipping off.

John wins and after, Eva goes to the ring, So now it is my turns. My music starts and I run out. I don't want to wait anymore, I need to kick this girl's ass now. I slide into the ring and am met with rocket stomps on my back. I hold my back in pain, but I'm not ready to give up yet. I roll out of the ring to get some time to catch my breath. The referee is pushing her into her corner. After catching my breath, I go back in. The bell rings and I spear her.

I grab her by the hair and pull her up. I let her go and slap her in the face. As she tries to get up, I kick her in the stomach. I grab her by the hair and pull her face up to mine.

"This is for my baby!" I shout, I run to the opposite ropes and rebound to go kick her in the face but she sidesteps. She grabs me by the head and does a neck breaker. My head is killing me. My hair is in my face and I can't help but notice that I haven't dyed it in a while. I guess now that I was a dive, I didn't care about dying it so it was different than Trish, I was my own diva.

As Eva goes up to capitalize, I punch her in the stomach and she groans in pain. We are both on the mat and I headbutt her. Her face slams into the mat. I get up and grab her by the hair and slam her back on the mat. As she tries to get up, I stomp on it a couple of times. As I go over to her, she quickly jumps up and drop kicks me on the ground. I flop over and she rushes over to pin me. I kick out at two.

He keeps punching me in frustration. I'm able to maneuver and kick her in the head. She's hunched over and I as the referee is checking on Eva, I run to the ropes and I feel my hair get pulled and I am yanked down and my head bounces off the ropes and I fall down. I look to see Seth smiling. As I'm hunched over, I feel someone stomp my head into the mat.

Eva covers me and I'm able to just barely kick out at two and a half. I hear Eva screaming.

"Are you kidding me!" She gets over to me and starts slapping the back of my head. She drags me up by the hair. And throws me into the ropes. I rebound and begin to go backwards.

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