The Love of a Mother

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Isaac and I sat together, hand-in-hand, waiting to hear the new on our mother. I had gotten home and to the hospital in only a few hours. I felt so broken, I had only told my mom on Sunday that I was expecting her grandchild, she couldn't be going through this now.

"So tell me what happened again." I request. He had told me a couple of times already, but it sill confused me.

"We were having dinner, and her stomach began to cramp up. I asked her if she wanted to leave. She kept trying to push off, but than she just stood up and fell over." He recounts, tears forming in his eyes.

"It makes no sense, she was doing so well. What could've happened?" I reply, defeated.

"I don't know, But what I do know, is that she's going to pull through." Isaac reassures me. Just then, the surgeon comes out. The look on his face shows that he doesn't have good news.

"I'm sorry." He says. I almost fall into Isaac. "I don't know how long she has, but if I were you, I would say your goodbyes." With that, he leaves. Isaac and I run in. Our mother lays on a bed, she's so small.

"Mommy." I call out.

"Faith, baby, is that you." I hear a small, weak voice respond.

We rush to her and face her as she lies on her hospital bed.

"Mommy, I'm so sorry." Isaac cries. He's shaking in grief.

"Honey, don't say that, it isn't your fault. I'm okay, I lived a good life." She starts. "I thought I was gonna die before I even had the chance to see one of my babies meet someone." She explains with a smile towards me. "That Dean is a good man, very respectful. In fact, just yesterday, he called and we talked about you." She says.

I look at my mom in confusion. "He did?" I ask.

"He wanted to make sure I knew that I was having a grandchild, such a sweetheart. He talked about how great of a friend you are to him and how much He loves you. He said he loved the moment you kissed him, all those weeks ago." She tells me.

"When? All the way back in Nashville?" I ask. My mother nods. "I didn't think he remembered that." I whisper.

"He did, but he could tell you were embarrassed so he tried not to mention it." She says. "Then, when he called me to tell me that you two were in New York, I knew he was a keeper. He invited me but I couldn't make it." She looks at Isaac. I suddenly realized how much Dean had done for me.

"I feel good about dying. Cause I know that my daughter has a great man in her life, and I know that my son and daughter will always have each other's back." She smiles.

"Mom, I don't want you to go." I say before grabbing her hand and I feel that it's cold. Isaac does the same.

"Mom, please, don't leave us, We lost dad and Clara we can't lose you too." Isaac cries.

"Clara, your father, and I will always live on through you two." She says before closing her eyes and taking one final breath.

"Mom, Mommy wake up! Wake up please!" I cry. I hug her and desperately want to feel her arms wrap around me. I feel Isaac hug us both. Thaen I feel doctors begin to pry us all apart. "No! No! No!" I yell before being told to calm down. Isaac is crying in the corner of the room.

I feel the world around me blacking out. I'm fighting to keep sense of what is going on, but it's no use and I black out.

                                      *        *        *

I wake up in a hospital bed. I feel groggy. My pelvis hurts. I try to move but I feel so weak. I hear Isaac get up from walk towards me.

"Welcome back." He says, defeated.

"What happened?" I ask.

"What do you remember?" He responds.

"Did mom die?" I say, hoping it was just a bad dream.

"Yes." He answers, but he's not done. "You were so stressed and filled with so much grief that you passed out." He explains. I rub my stomach, which is also in pain.

"What about my baby?" I say.

"There is no more baby." He replies.

My whole world seems to drop. I begin to panic. "What do you mean? What you mean there's no more baby?" I ask.

"You had a miscarriage." He says. We both stopped holding back tears and begin to cry. "I'm sorry." He apologizes. "I didn't tell Dean, I figured that you would to do it." I heard him, but I showed no acknowledgement, my life seemed so empty. I lost my mother, and my baby.

I looked at the ceiling, contemplating my life. I knew I was going to have to tell Dean, but it would destroy him. What am I going to do?

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