Raw Rivalry

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I sit up in the bed Dean and I share. I look at Dean with so much love; my husband made me feel very special last night. I realize that we are both still naked, and part of him is awake. I chuckle and move closer to him. I kiss him on the nose. He groans and complains. I laugh and put my lips to his ears.

"I guess you don't want to go for round two?" I whisper. His eyes open and he pulls me on top of him. I smile as his chest hair tickles my smooth skin. He looks at me in confusion.

"What is it?" He asks. I look at him and explain. He nods. "Yeah, it sucks that they make me wax it all the time. In fact, I'll probably have to wax it before tonight." He says. I nod in agreement. I take this time before he has to wax to cuddle with him.

"You call me Clar-Bear when it's you that my furry little teddy bear." I tease. He laughs before gently grabbing my face and moving it to his. He covers my face with light kisses. I grab his face and kiss him. "I think you want to kiss me here." I flirt.

"How about we do go for round 2 before Raw tonight; maybe even three if we have the time." Dean suggests. I pretend that I'm thinking, and he playfully nudges me.

"Okay fine." I agree. Let's just say, we went more than 3 rounds before heading to Raw. We drove together, and I was so happy to find out that Team Cena beat Team Authority, even with the way Big Show screwed Cena over. I'm backstage in my ring attire stretching.

Daniel Bryan had come back and it was. So awesome to see the Authority get what was coming to them.

Now that the Authority had been dealt with, it was time to focus on those damn Bella twins. They have been giving AJ and me a hard time for a while now; but it was time to take a stand. I didn't care that Nikki's boyfriend and Brie's husband were Cena and Bryan, I would take them down with AJ.

"Hello, Clara." I'm torn out of my thoughts and I turn to see Daniel Bryan walking up to me. I extend my hand and he accepts.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I greet.

"All mine." He replies. "Now listen Clara, I understand that you won a match against Eva Marie which now gives you a title shot." He prompts. I nod.

"Yes, that's what happened." I say.

"Well how would you like that match today?" He asks. I feel conflicted. While I feel excited, I also feel like the title should be AJ's. I shake my head.

"While I appreciate the offer, I must respectfully decline." I admit. He laughs.

"No need to be so formal, remember I was a groomsmen at your Wedding, you can be casual." I smile at his request.

"Sure then, I'm good, I'll wait." I assure him. He shakes his head.

"I thought you'd say yes." He admits. I look at him in confusion.

" Daniel, what did you do?" I ask.

"I kind of already made the match for right after Brie and AJ's." He explains. I scoff.

"Fine, whatever." I go off and wait until AJ loses to Brie. Man, this Bella Bitches need to be put in their place. They enter backstage and I smugly approach Nikki. "Where are you going? Our title match is up next." I mock. Nikki looks shocked and looked to Brie. They both nod and Nikki gestures to the ring.

"You can go first." Nikki sneers. I laugh and make my way to the ring entrance. My music hits and I make my way down to the ring. Nikki comes down with Brie.

Lillian Garcia does her introduction and we charge at each other. I hate the fact that I might be pregnant, I have to take special care to protect myself. She kicks my leg and it gives out. She lifts me on her back and prepares to do her finisher.

I squirm and land on my hands and knees. She runs at me and tries to kick my stomach but I roll out. I notice that Nikki is distracting the referee and I feel Brie shove my face into the apron. She grabs me and throws me into the barricade. I hold my back in pain.

Nikki slides out and grabs me by the hair. She throws me back into the ring. She slides in and covers me but I kick out at 2. I hear her scream in frustration. She tanks me up by my hair, but I counter and perform Claraty. She's rolling around in pain but I lift her up and do Clarafication.

I cover her and the referee starts the count. "1...2...." Suddenly, I feel Brie grab me by the hair and throw me into the ropes. She does a DDT on me and I'm laying in pain. I hear the bell ring and Lillian speaks.

"The winner of this match as the result of a disqualification, Clara. But still your Divas Champion, Nikki Bella." I notice them both slithering out of the ring. I run to the ropes in anger. Brie just made it personal. I get up and make my way backstage.

I confront those Bella Bitches. "Great job Brie, at least now I know I would've won had you not gotten involved, Bitch!" I insult.

"Oh Clara, it's time you learned that experience matters in the WWE, you can't be the Divas Champion after only what 2 and a half months in the WWE, you need to be screwed over." She retorts. I scoff and walk up to her. I feel AJ hold me back.

"Not here Clara." She calms. I stop and look at her.

"I want Brie." I complain.

"And I want Nikki." She counters.

"How about this, there's a live event this Sunday, it will be Clara and AJ against the Bella twins." Nikki suggests. AJ and I look at each other and nod.

We part ways and I wait until the end of the night. Dean and I make our way to the car.

"So, I don't have anything for Smackdown, how about you?" Dean asks. I nod.

"I don't have anything." I tell him. He smiles.

"Good, cause with the holidays and stuff coming up, I want us to have special time together." I stop him in front of the car.

"That sounds great!" I admit. I smile and give him a kiss. "I love you." I declare.

"I love you too." He reciprocates. We get in the car and I begin to nap.

As I dream, I wonder about everything, Thanksgiving, Brie and Nikki, and my possible baby. I don't think I can wait much longer. I decide that I won't wait until December 3rd. After my match on Sunday, I'll find out with AJ. I'll find out if I'm pregnant.

Dean and ClaraМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя