Live Event

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I was up early working out. I'm punching a dummy, pretending that it was Brie. It's funny how you can easily go from liking someone to hating them. Anyway, I was punching it and it kept coming back until suddenly, it stood still. I look around and see Dean smiling.

"Are you upset?" He teases. I can't help but smile. I just continue punching it while he holds it in place.

"What's up?" I ask. He just shakes his head.

"Nothing, I just, wanted to see you." He admits. I smile and give him a hug.

"Thanks baby." I reply.

"So, Clar-Bear, once your done, meet me up in the room"  he explains. I just nod. I work out for a few more minutes until curiosity gets the better of me. I make my way upstairs to our hotel room and find a note in front of the door. It's addressed to me. I open it and read it:

Dear Clar-Bear,
I just wanted to say how much I love you. I know we say it a lot but I hope you know that I truly mean it. I remember the first time I met you when you were helping me at Night of Champions, I thought you looked just beautiful. I'm glad that we had such a great and close friendship that blossomed into something more. I'm undeserving of your love, but I feel honored to be the only one that holds the key to your heart. I wrote this all down because I'm terrible at talking about the way I feel. I love you Clara, open the door for a surprise.
Love, Dean

I smile as I read the note. He was wrong, he did deserve my love. I open the door and see a trail of rose petals. I follow it to the bed. Dean is on the bed, wearing nothing but boxers. Candles are lit around the room.

"What's the special occasion?" I ask, tears of happiness forming in my eyes. He walks over to me and strokes my cheek.

"It's just, sometimes, love needs to be expressed in very big ways." He explains. I smile and lean in to his chest. I lay a gentle kiss onto his lips. We both pull away as if to savor this single moment.

We make love. I know I'm due at the Live Event in an hour, but we don't rush it. We share an intimate moment, where it is just us. We don't have sex, we make love. After we are done, we lay down and cuddle. I look at the time and know that I should be getting ready. I give him a kiss.

"I have to get ready." He nods. I get up and am about to go to the shower when he runs up to me, naked and all kisses me.

"I love you." He declares. I smile and drag him to the shower.

"I love you too." We get in and shower. He drives me and AJ to the Live Event and stays to watch us. We both get dressed in our ring gear and make our entrance. We both come down to her music.

Nikki and Brie make their way down to Nikki's music and they are in a corner. AJ and I look to each other and we decide that she will go first. Brie starts for them. AJ runs at Brie and knocks her down. People are cheering, more for our significant others than us. I shake my head as they gang up on AJ, never letting her out of their corner.

Nikki and AJ are the legal men, and AJ is exhausted. She is able to knock Nikki out of the ring and is about to make her way to me when Brie runs up behind AJ, grabs a clump of her hair, and slams her down on her back. I jump into the ring and clothesline Brie. Brie gets up and we are staring each other down.

She starts chanting, "YES!" Half the crowd is cheering along. The other half is cheering, "We want Ambrose!" I'm laughing as Brie looks pissed. I kick her in the stomach and perform Claraty. She rolls out of the ring in pain. I turn around and am met with a boot to the face.

I roll out too. I get up and see AJ perform Black Widow on Nikki. Nikki taps out and I jump into the ring in excitement. I run up to her and hug her.

"You did awesome Babe!" I compliment her. She smiles.

"Great job getting rid of Brie Bitch." She replies with a smile. We hug and meet with Dean. As we're leaving, Dean looks to us.

"So Ladies, what's on the agenda for the rest of the day?" He asks. AJ and I look to each other, we've already discussed getting me a pregnancy test.

"I asked AJ to help me find a present for Isaac's birthday on Friday." I lie. Dean nods.

"Do you want my help?" He offers. I shake my head.

"No, I'm afraid you'll tell him." I argue. He smiles.

"Okay, then. Where do you want me to drop you guys off?" He asks. We look to each other and see a bunch of stores.

"Right here is fine." AJ answers. He stops and we both get out. We go to Target and I grab a pregnancy test. I also grab a PS4 and WWE 2K15 for Isaac. While we're there, AJ picks up some Christmas presents. AJ calls her husband and he picks us up.

We go to her hotel room and I follow the instructions. It says We have to wait a minute and I swear it is the longest minute of my life.

"So if you are pregnant, when do you stop wrestling?" AJ questions. I shrug.

"I guess it would have to be this month." I answer. She nods.

"What do you want it to be positive or negative?" She asks. I think about it.

"I'd want it to be positive, that way, I could come back at my best." I explain. AJ smiles and goes over to the test to look at it. I look at her with anxiety. "What is it? What does it say?" I ask. AJ smiles.

"Congrats Clara, your pregnant." AJ says. I run up to her and give her a hug. A thought comes to my head.

"I have an idea." I say. I take the pregnancy test and give it to her. "I'm going to need you to hold onto this for a bit." I explain. AJ looks confused.

"Why?" She questions.

"Let's just say I have the perfect Birthday present for Dean next week." I answer. AJ smiles. This is exactly what Dean and I needed. We were going to be expanding our already great family.

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