WWE's Ugly Stepchild (Part I)

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I'm at the venue in Nashville stretching. I have a match against Alicia Fox later on tonight. I can't wait for my first real match, it might not be with Nikki or Paige, but I still haven't forgotten my beef with them. I do a split to stretch out my legs when I feel someone touch my back, it's Jonathan.

"Hey Jonathan!" I say rather enthusiastically.

"Hey Clara, again I just wanted to thank you for your help last night. I hope to get my hands on that punk Seth Rollins." He thanks me.

"I hope you get him too, just remember." I begin as I get up.

"What?" He asks.

"Be smart. He has The Authority protecting him, the secret to get to him is to get him alone. That way, Randy Orton and Kane can't protect his scrawny ass." I explain.

"You know what? I think you may just have a point." He agrees. "Excuse me, Raw is starting and I think I have some words to say." He says before heading to the ring.

Watching him I can't help but giggle. Especially when he calls himself WWE's ugly stepchild. When John Cena came out and they began to confront each other, I couldn't help but shake my head. They should be helping each other not arguing about who gets Rollins.

After Rollins runs away like the bitch he is, I go to find Jonathan, I need to calm him down.

After wandering around for awhile, I find him sitting on a chair looking at the floor.

"Hey ugly stepchild." I joke.

"Ha! What did you think?" He asks.

"Your speech was good, but if you're going up against The Authority, you're going to need help. I mean, I think the only ones openly defying them and not injured are you, John, Jericho, Brie, and Myself." I remind him.

"Yeah but it's not fair, I should have first dibs on Rollins." He argues.

"While I agree, let's just focus on the real problem, the Authority itself. You can't do it all by yourself and John Cena seems like a smart choice to have in your corner." I point out.

"I guess." He reluctantly agrees.

"Well, my match is up next so wish me luck." I say farewell.

"Good luck." He replies as I head to the stage.

My music plays and I enter the ring. Alicia Fox is already there. As I slide in, she attempts to stop on me so I slide back out. Looking back at her, she's smiling and I shake my head. No doubt orders by The Authority. I quickly slide back in the ring and make it.

The bell rings and in no little than two seconds I pounce on her. Giving her rapid punches as to pay her back for attempting to stomp on my back.

After a couple of those, I kick her in the gut and as she's hunched over, I perform my finisher and pin her.

My music starts and the crowd is cheering. I'm so happy and I'm smiling from ear to ear. I wonder, Is Dean Ambrose impressed by me. I push the thought out of my head and begin to leave when Triple H's music starts.

He and Stephanie both walk out together and approach the ring. They enter, and I see he has a microphone, someone behind me prods me with another microphone and I accept it.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"No, Clara, Steph and I just wanted to come down here to congratulate you." Hunter says, rather suspiciously.

"Well thank you, but I was just leaving." I reply quickly before I get dragged into this.

"Well no Clara, actually, you can help us with something that's been troubling us since last night." Hunter clarifies.

"And what is that?" I ask.

Stephanie grabs the microphone from Hunter. "How did Dean Ambrose become freed from his restraints last night." She accuses. The crowd realizes what I've done and begin to cheer.

I smile and calmly reply. "He's the Lunatic Fringe, I bet he has a whole bunch of tricks up his sleeves." I reply smugly.

"You've been causing the Authority a whole lot of trouble since you started here." She hisses.

"Well, I guess I don't take orders from bitches like you!" I shout. As the crowd cheers, Stephanie slaps me in the face.

I kick her in the face as a response. She flops to the ground. The crowd goes wild.

Triple H stumbles towards me but I kick him in the gut and perform my modified Twist of Fate. The crowd goes wild as I calmly leave the arena while Stephanie is getting up and screaming, hissing, and cursing. I give her one last smile before heading backstage.

                             *         *         *

Dean Ambrose smiled as I approached him backstage and said that I was great. He then told me his match was up so I wished him luck, than went backstage to watch it.

He had it in the bag, but then Seth Rollins had to get involved. I scoffed, He really can't win in a fair fight can he? I then see as Dean Ambrose attacks him backstage but then gets thrown and locked into a closet.

I laugh inside as a thought begins to grow in my head. I know what will get the Authority really pissed. All I need is some help, and to come up with a plan.

                       To be Continued...

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