Raw Return

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Dean parked the car in the parking lot. We were about to go to Raw together, we rode in silence. In fact, the last couple of days were spent in silent grief. Before he could exit the car, I stopped him, we needed to talk.

"Dean, stop. I requested a meeting with my CC and Stephanie. I'm returning to action today. What do you think?" I say.

"It's a little soon isn't it." He replies. I hear sadness in his voice and that breaks my heart, I'm so angry at myself for having a miscarriage. "Then again...." He continues, "Maybe if we both beat the scrap out of someone today we could get our minds off of it." He finishes. I smile before realizing I probably shouldn't, he is so supportive.

Hand in hand we both walk to the venue. We reluctantly separate in order to go to the locker rooms and get dressed. I'm getting into my attire before Eva walks up to me. "What are you doing back?" She stickers.

"Nothing that concerns you." I mutter.

"What happened? Did you lose Little Dean?" She laughs, I grab her by the throat and push her against a wall.

"Talk to me like that again, and I end you." I threaten. I feel AJ grab me and pull me away.

"Come on Clara, let it go, she's not worth it." AJ reasons with me before turning back and giving Eva a right hook. "Besides, I wanted to do that." She laughs. AJ is the best, she is such a good friend. I wrap my arms around het. As we walk away, we hear Eva.

"You'll pay for that AJ." We ignore her threats. After talking for a bit, we separate and I go off to talk to my CC and Stephanie. I take a deep breath and knock. The door opens immediately. I guess they were already waiting for me.

"Clara, sit, sit. Tell me, what's been going on?" He asks.

"Well, as you know, I was planning to take the next year or so off during my pregnancy." I begin, they nod and I continue. "Well, I lost the baby. The Doctor cleared me and I'm ready to perform." I explain.

They both look at each other sadness. "Well, we are very sorry to hear that." Stephanie starts. I know she and I aren't exactly close, but as a mother I can tell she is genuine. "Only if you are sure about returning back to the ring, we don't want you to push yourself." She finishes.

"With all due respect Stephanie, I fee as though this is the only way I'll survive." I respond.

"Then by all means, you'll be out there later tonight." She says. I stand up and begin to leave before she stops me. "And Clara, good luck." She finishes, I nod in acknowledgement then head out to get ready for Raw which starts now.

After AJ and Alicia's match, I'm sitting with AJ, whose still recovering from her match. We are watching Raw on a television backstage when Eva's music starts and she enters the ring, She doesn't look dressed for a fight, and she has a microphone.

"Great, we're gonna have to listen to this bitch talk." AJ jokes. I laugh a little, but than pay attention to what Eva's saying.

"Now that your precious Clara is gone, no one can stop me from being the top new diva and sooner or later becoming the Divas' Champion." Eva declares. I notice AJ hold on to her title a little bit tighter.

"Well, I don't know about you AJ but I for one have heard enough of her." I head to the stage entrance and look to the sound guy. The backstage help hands me a microphone and my music starts. I hear the crowd cheering and I can't help but smile. I slide into the ring, then get up. "You were saying?" I challenge Eva with a smile.

"Oh, back so soon, oh don't tell me something happened to the baby." My smile fades in an instant and the crowds boos. "Did you lose that little avatars you and Dean had in there?" I lose it and tackle her. I barely notice the crowd cheering as my sole purpose is beating the shit out of Eva. As I'm punching her in the face, Seth Rollins' music starts.

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