I Do...

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I wake up because I feel someone jump on me. I wipe my eyes clear of sleep and see AJ standing over me. Renee is on me and Natalya is looking at us all with her arms crossed.

"What's wrong?" I ask. AJ rolls her eyes.

"Its your Wedding Day, Stupid!" She reminds me. I jump up.

"Oh my God! Where's Dean?" I question. Natalya shakes her head and smiles,

"He's with his groomsmen." She answers. I check the time and see that the Wedding is in 3 hours. I look at them all before going into total Bride mode.

"Okay, so do we have the bridesmaid dresses?" Renee nods. "My gown." AJ lifts up a dress and displays it to me. I smile. "Okay, the limousine Will be here in about two hours so let's do this." I exclaim.

I hop into the shower and wash up before running back out. I see the girls getting into their bridesmaid's dresses. AJ finishes first before hurrying to me. "Okay Sweetie, lets get this hair done." She suggests. I nod and we sit down.

"What happened last night?" I ask. AJ laughs.

"So first the girls and I came up here with the groomsmen and caught you and Dean doing nothing but watch Smackdown." She begins before pausing to concentrate. I nod and look to Renee and Natalya. Renee sits down and begins to do my makeup.

"I remember that part, what happened after?" I question. Renee continues the story.

"So we grabbed you and the guys grabbed Dean. We brought you to AJ's room and got you ready to party. After we were done, we went to this club and had your Bachelorette Party!" She says before focusing and stepping away. "You are done with makeup." She says, jumping up and down. I feel AJ back away too.

"I'm done too!" She laughs. Natalya walks up to me with the dress and is helping while she finishes the story.

"That was pretty much it. You started drinking but felt sick and threw up, a lot. Dean called you and you guys spent a whole lot of time talking. Then he sang you to sleep." I smile and look to her while she does the zipper.

"He sang me to sleep?" I ask. All three nod and laugh. "Hmm." I groan. AJ looks to me, concerned.

"What's wrong?" AJ questions. I just shake my head.

"Nothing, it's just the dress feels tighter." I admit. "I hope I'm not gaining weight." I cry. AJ walks up to me.

"You look fine my love, come over here." She drags me to a mirror and I look at the young woman I see. She's about to get married and I can't help but let a tear fall down my face. Renee playfully slaps my shoulder.

"You're gonna ruin it." She jokes. We laugh and hear a knock at the door. A hotel employee opens the door and looks to us.

"Ms. O'Grady, a limousine is outside for you." He informs. We all smile. AJ puts her arm around my shoulder and jokes.

"Well Ms. O'Grady, lets go make you Mrs. Dean Ambrose." She laughs. As we are walking to the elevator, I contemplate on my name. AJ looks to me. "What?" She asks.

"I think I'll take his real name." I explain. They all look at me in surprise.

"You mean the one he never uses." AJ teases. I nod.

"Yes, Mrs. Jonathan Good." I say with a smile. They all seem to like it since they smile too. We get down to the first floor and get into the limousine. "Now, off to my Wedding!" I shout.

We get there and the girls hop out and make there way around back so that they can be in the Wedding party. I'm about to step out when a hand is reached out to me.

"This is the part when you grab my hand." I look up and see Isaac. I give him a hug. He lets me go and looks at me before wiping a tear from his eye. "Dad, Mom, Clara, all of them. They are so happy right now." I smile and put my head on his chest. Before looking up to fix his tie.

"They would be so happy for you and Renee." I point out. Isaac looks at me confused.

"What do you mean?" He asks. I smile, I could tell Renee was pregnant, but I guess she hadn't told him yet. His birthday was a couple of days before Dean's so I expect that she'll tell him then. Now, I respond be wrapping my arm around his.

"Not now, I need to get married." I chirp. He smiles before beginning to walk me into the chapel. I hear music play and I smile as I am walked down the aisle. Roman's daughter is the flower girl and she is doing a great job. It was a small Wedding, only a few friends and family members. I look and see Dean with a smile that lights up the room. I smile in response. Isaac gives me to Dean and walks to take his position.

The priest clears his throat before beginning. "We are gathered here today..."
                                      *         *         *

The priest looks to me. "And do you, Faith O'Grady, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband." I look at Dean and give him my best smile, which he returns.

"I most certainly do." I say, shaking with excitement.

"Then, by the power invested in me by the state of Missouri, I now pronounce you man and wife." I smile and we passionately kiss. We back away and I stare into his eyes.

"I love you." We say in unison. While people are clapping, we are in a silent world, a world where there is no one but us. No one But me and my husband.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I hope everyone is enjoying the story. Remember to vote, comment, and follow!

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