Raw Risks

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I hadn't even seen or talked to AJ since our fight last week. Part of me wanted to pick up the phone and apologize, but if anything, she should tell me that she's sorry. Anyway, I was at Raw with Dean and we were both talking about our wedding.

"So I would wear black, and you could wear white?" I suggest. He looks at me in confusion.

"Hell no! I am not wearing a white tux." He argues. I guess it was time for me to put my powers as a girl to use. I get closer to him so that now we are only inches away. I'm sticking my chest out and licking my lips.

"Please. I really wanted to wear a black gown." I pout. He laughs and I can tell he's getting excited. His face straighteners and he crosses his arms.

"I'm sorry, but I'm standing my ground." He states. I sigh before giving in.

"Fine, you wear a black tux and I'll wear a white gown." I agree. He smiles before gently kissing my lips. "Isaac will walk me down the aisle." I say. Dean nods.

"Roman will be my best man. Isaac and Daniel Bryan will be groomsmen. Who will be your Maid of Honor?" He asks.

"Well, I was hoping since AJ was married she could be my Matron of Honor. Then again, we had our fight a couple of days ago so now I have no idea what I'm gonna do." I admit. Dean sighs before sitting us both down.

"Listen Clar-Bear, if you truly love AJ, then just get over your fight." He advises. I shake my head.

"But what about what she did to you on Smackdown?" I point out.

"Listen, I don't care, why should you?" He retorts. I nod in understanding. "Now, I have a plan, but I'm going to need you to film something for me." He explains. My face cringes in confusion.

"Wait? Why?" I question. He merely shakes his head.

"It's a surprise." He answers before handing me his phone. "You ready?" He asks. I nod. "Okay, 1...2...3... go!"

                                       *        *        *

I watch Dean's segment and laugh once I realize why he had me film it. I sit down and continue to watch Raw when I see Nikki and Brie dressed as AJ make her way down to the ring. Not long after, AJ makes her way down, clearly offended by the mimicry.

After "AJ Brie" wins, Nikki attacks her. AJ comes to her aid and I can't help but smile. Then I see her DDT Brie and I sit up. She makes her way up the ramp and I go down to the ramp entrance and confront her.

"Was hurting Brie really necessary?" I ask. She looks at me and scoffs.

"You have no right to judge me!" She argues.

"Well you have no right to be such a bitch." I retort. She shoves my face and I fall back. My stomach aches in pain.

"Ahh." I groan. AJ rushes to me.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry Clara." She apologizes. I look at her and smile.

"No, I'm sorry." I reply. She smiles too before hugging me. She helps me up.

"I love you, girl." She says. I grab her and give her a hug.

"I'm so glad to have my best friend back." I admit. She nods.

"Me too." She agrees.

"I have a segment up next so I'll see you after AJ." I inform her. She nods.

"Good luck." She wishes. I smile before going to the ramp entrance. I look to the audio technician and he plays my music. I make my way down to the ring and slide into the ring. My stomach starts killing me. I guess AJ's shove really hurt. I'm handed a microphone and begin to speak.

"Well, last week on Smackdown, Eva set me up and tried to ruin my friendship my friendship with AJ." I start. "Now I really don't know why she continues to be a pain in my ass. I was perfectly fine with my victory at Hell in a Cell, but now she wants me at Survivor Series too. That's fine, I just hope I can put her out of commission and finally move on." I say before Stephanie's music hits.

"Now let me get this straight,  you want to move on?" She asks. I nod.

"Yes, I want to move on." I repeat. She laughs.

"Like the Divas Championship for instance." She mocks. I shake my head.

"Well at some point I will want it, but not while AJ has it." I admit.

"Then how about we add a couple of stipulations to the match." She suggests. I shrug before answering.

"Like what?" I question.

"Whoever wins, will get a Championship match at some point in the future." She states. "And if Eva wins, not only will she get the Championship match, you will be fired!" She finishes.

"So, I don't get a stipulation." I retort. She shrugs before speaking.

"You know what, you're right, so you pick a stipulation." She agrees.

"If I beat Eva, she can't have a title shot for six months." I say. Stephanie smiles.

"I like that, I approve of your stipulation. But for now, you have a match. You will face Paige, Cameron, Layla, and Summer Rae." She says with a smirk. I scoff before she looks at me again. "You know what, like I said a week about ago, I'm liking you more and more so if there is someone out there who has the guts to be your partner tonight, then so be it." She says before leaving. All four of my opponents make their way to the ring. I'm anxious, hoping someone will join me.

AJ's music hits and she comes skipping down. She slides in and hops over to me.

"You ready to kick ass?" She asks. I smile and nod. She starts against Paige and really hits a groove. Paige tags in Cameron who is no match for AJ. Unfortunately, while the referee is distracted, Layla and Summer attack AJ.

Cameron takes advantage but AJ is able to get to me and make the tag. I charge and and sweep her up by her legs. She slams down on the mat and I start punching her. She's groaning in pain. I let her tag Summer who charges at me but I drop kick her.

Summer flops to the ground, holding her jaw in pain. I grab her by the hair and pull her to our corner. I tag in AJ. AJ gives AJ a thorough beating before giving Summer the Black Widow. Summer's teammates run in to help her but I jump from the top rope and take them out. I kick all of them out of the ring and they flop to the floor. I rush back to my corner as AJ breaks her submission and tags me in.

I run to Summer and perform Claraty. I pin her and we get the win. I rush to AJ and hug her.

"Lets never fight again because we are stronger together as opposed to apart." AJ suggests. I nod and raise her hand.

"Will you be my Matron of Honor?" I ask. She nods and we make our way up the ramp together. We are greeted by Dean who gives all of us a hug.
"Glad to see that you two are back on track." He remarks. I smile before taking a deep breath.
"In fact, now I'm pretty sure that we have everything we need to make this wedding happen." I say. Dean looks at me in surprise.
"Really?" He asks. I nod.
"Yes, let's do it this Saturday." I suggest. He picks me up in a great big hug and it hurts my stomach. "Ease up." I say. He places me down with a worried look on his face.
"Are you okay?" He questions. I nod.
"Yeah I'm fine.' I assure him.
"Well I have Smackdown tomorrow so lets head to the hotel so that I can rest up." He says. I agree and we grab our things.
"I don't have Smackdown so I guess I'll just get everything set up for our wedding." I chuckle. He laughs and we wrap our hands together.
Married life her I come!

Dean and Claraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن