Happy Birthday Dean!

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I went to a doctor for a check up and learned that I was pretty much done wrestling until my due date. I have wrestled much further than my first pregnancy as I am already almost a month along, and I am not going to risk anything with this one. Now was December 7th, Dean's birthday. I has my positive pregnancy test in a small box in my purse. I would give it to him at the end of the night.

Roman nudges me and pulls me from my thoughts. "So, is everything good?" He asks. I look around and smile, Dean was going to love his surprise party. Not many people were there, just Roman, his daughter, Isaac, Renee, AJ, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and of course myself. It was a small party, but Dean was that type of person who didn't mind it.

"Yea, everything is perfect." I respond. Just then, AJ comes running in.

"He's coming! Everyone hide!" She shouts. We all take our places while Roman's daughter shuts off the lights and hides with her father. The door opens and Dean comes in. He turns on the light and we all jump out.

"Surprise!" We shout in unison. Dean looks around and shock and then smiles, pointing at me.

"I knew you were up to something." He teases. I smile and shrug.

"How did you know?" I ask innocently. He shrugs.

"You can't lie for shit." He jokes. I playfully shove him but he wraps me with a large arm and plants a kiss on me. "Thank you." He says. I nod. I notice a tear forming in his eyes and I wipe it away gently with my thumb.

"I love it when you get all sensitive." I tease. He just kissed me again.

I walk over to Isaac, his birthday was only a couple of days ago so I want to see if Renee told him of her pregnancy.

"Hey bro, what's new?" I greet. I see a huge smile on his face I can tell that he knows.

"Renee told me on Friday that she is pregnant!" He jumps in excitement. I nod.

"That makes two of us." I tell him. His eyes open wide.

"Oh my God! Does Dean know?" He replies. I shake my head and he wraps an arm around me. "Mom would be so happy right now." A tear falls down my cheek.

"Yes, she would be wouldn't she." I agree. Isaac points to Daniel as he walks over to me.

"Hey Clara, thanks for inviting me, I know that you and Brie have had your differences lately." He apologizes, I roll my eyes. He chuckles in response. "Now I know that it was mainly her doing, but I've heard of a couple of plans to put you two in a match at TCL, and if you win, you will get another title shot." He explains. I'm excited, but then remember my condition.

"I'm honored, but I just can't." I deny. He frowns.

"Why not?" He questions. I pull him aside.

"You can't tell Dean, but I'm pregnant." I explain. Daniel looks excited.

"Well congratulations." He responds. I laugh and thank him before continuing on with the party.
                                  *          *          *

Dean and I were picking up from the party when he wraps his arms around me.

"Thank you." He says while kissing my forehead and giving me tiny kisses all the way to my neck. I giggle and turn around So that I am facing him.

"Anything for the man I love." I assure him.

"Well trust me, you've done quite enough." He laughs. I remember the pregnancy test and go over to my purse.

"That reminds me, I have one more gift for you." I reply, he looks at me in shock.

"Trust me, you've given me more than enough." He says shaking his head towards the gift. I push it forward.

"You'll love it." I reassure him. He finally accepts the gift and opens it. His blue eyes widen in shock. He looks at me in surprise and in happiness. I nod. Suddenly, he starts laughing. I frown. "What's wrong?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Nothing, it just occurred to me what this is." He says. I look at him confused. He picks the test up and laughs. "You gave me something you peed on for my birthday." He teases. I laugh too.

"Well, I thought the fact that I was pregnant would overshadow the fact that I peed on it." I whine. He runs up and hugs me.

"This is the best birthday present I've ever gotten." He cries. I kiss his forehead.

"Only the best for you." I reply, he nods. I could not contain my excitement, we were going to have a baby.
Author's Note
It has been a great time writing this story for you all and I can't believe we are almost at 5K reads. I know it might not seem like much to you guys but is is great that I was able to entertain so many of you. I'm pretty sure this story is coming to a close, only a chapter or two left. I would be open for a sequel so write in the comments if you'd like that and vote to show your support for Dean and Clara. Don't forget to check out my other story too, Heated Love. Again, Thank you All, and wish Dean a Happy Birthday!

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