15 Years of Smackdown

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Today was Tuesday and Dean and I were heading to Smackdown in order to film the 15th Anniversary episode. Our hands intertwined as his other hand was placed on the steering wheel.

I hadn't told him that I might be pregnant. For two reasons, if I wasn't pregnant I would just get his hopes up for nothing and if I was then I  wasn't sure who the father of my child was. I was preoccupied with my thoughts and wasn't even aware of what was around me until the car stopped.

"What's on your mind?" Dean asks.

"Nothing, why did you stop?" I respond, looking around.

"Cause we're here." He points out with a chuckle. He looks at me with concern. "Are you sure everything is okay?" He repeats.

"Yea, I'm just nervous about it being the 15th Anniversary." I lie.

"Don't worry about it, it'll be just like any other Smackdown." He soothes.

"Thanks." I say before giving him a hug.

We get out of the car and grab our stuff. We hold hands and walk together to the venue. We hear fans cheering at our arrival together, we stop and raise our hands together. Fans cheer more and we lower our hands and enter the venue.

I have a match early on in the night. It's supposed to be a final match with Cameron before my big match with Eva on Raw next week. So I get dressed into my new gear which was received well yesterday. After a bit of stretching, I head down to the ring.

Cameron is already in the ring so I'm going down to meet her. I get down to the ring entrance and I look at the audio technician. He plays my music and I make my way down. My stomach still hurts so I go up the stairs. I made an appointment with my doctor for Sunday so I'll find out then.

I clear my head and focus on Cameron. The bell rings and I grapple with her. She tries to get my arm in a hold but I'm able to kick back and get her stomach, and she lets go. I face Cameron and charge at her, pushing her into a corner. I take this time to punch her in the face a couple of times. The referee has me back away so I listen. I then grab her by the hair and flip her over, slamming her onto her back. She sits up in pain and I kick her in the back.

I hear people booing. I look around and see Eva making her way down to the ring. I go over to the ropes and begin yelling at her to go away. I feel Cameron roll me up. She pulls my jeans, giving her leverage. I'm able to kick out at two. She falls on her face and I wait for her to turn around. I'm attacked from behind and the bell rings. Eva is on me punching me in the head.

I'm so focused on protecting my stomach that I don't protect my face.  I feel Cameron throwing some Jabs in and it has become a two-on-one assault. I'm panic and am able to escape the frenzy. I try to escape from the other side of the ring before I'm clotheslined. I look up to see Summer Rae and Layla. They each grab my hair and line me in the middle of the ring. Cameron grabs me by the waist.

I'm struggling but it's four-on-one. I'm able to catch a balance of Eva getting ready. The other three quickly let me go and I realize what's going on. I'm hunched over. In the right position for a curb stomp. My suspicions are correct and Eva smashes my face into the mat with her boot. My head is ringing. I hear the other girls running away and feel myself getting picked up and carried up the ramp.

In a daze, I open my eyes and see Dean. I smile as he meets my gaze. He'll always be there to save me. My body goes limp, and I pass out. I woke up with AJ by my side. We were sitting in front of a television set that was showing the end. Dean and John Cena were being interviewed on Miz TV.

I look to AJ. She looks relieved. She smiles that says to me, "Thank God, you're awake. You've been out for like an hour." She says. I'm confused, I can't remember what happened.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Eva and her bitch sidekicks set you up and curb stomped you. Dean came down to the ring like a knight in shining armor. He watched over you all night. Then, he asked me to take over while he filmed his segment." She explains. I smile, than look back at the TV.

All I see is Dean perform a Dirty Deeds on the Miz, AJ and I clap. That is until John does an Attitude Adjustment on Dean. AJ and I both look to each other.

"Hell no." I shout before making way down to the ring. I make it to the arena and see John sitting down on a chair. I get into the ring and aid Dean. I look up to see John smiling. I get up and so does he. We are both staring each other down. "I told him to give you a chance." I remind him.

"Yea but did he ever give me one." He retorts. We both walk up, and stare at each other viciously, just inches from each other. We are both being cheered and booed. "Why don't you go and help your little boy toy Clara." He mocks. I turn to see Dean struggling to get up. I rush to him and help him up. We go up the ramp together. We rush to get our things. I stop to say bye to AJ than we go to our hotel room together. Today was rough. I'm looking forward to resting up, then going to my doctors appointment on Sunday. Then I'll know what has been up with my stomach.

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