Chapter Twenty ~ Forbidden

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Shreya wasn't anywhere in the house. Maybe it's just my poor eyesight but she disappeared. Where the hell could she have gone!

"Excuse me," I shouted over the music to a couple blocking the hallway. Tangled in a make out session, they squeezed together into the hall. With an inward groan, I shoved past them.

In the living room, I noticed Aaron leaning against the wall with a solo cup in his hands. It was easy to see why everyone liked him. He had that effortless and carefree look about him.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way over to him.

"Hey," I started, adding a smile.

Raising an eyebrow he took a sip of his drink. "Need something?"

"Have you see a probably drunk brown girl about yay high by any chance?"

He chuckled, cocking his head to the side. "And you're not talking about yourself?"

I gasped teasingly, "Do I look drunk to you?"

"Well I am, so it's kinda hard to tell."

"Never mind." Just as I was about to leave, he grabbed my arm.

The sudden motion jerked me towards him and we stood closer than normal. I turned back to him confused. I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

My eyebrows raised, waiting for him to say something but he just looked straight into my eyes with such an intensity it could burn a building. My heart suddenly became warm.

He quickly regained his posture and let go. "Uh, what did—what did you say to Ronnie?"

The color drained my face, "What do you mean?"

"I mean outside, I was there and saw him look really upset after you left."

"Oh, it's complicated." My gaze went down.

"Just tell me."

I stepped away, frustrated, and ran a hand through my hair. "Goddamnit why are you guys so pushy? FINE, you wanna know so badly?" I could practically see him caught in headlights. "I'm engaged, okay?"

"For real?"

"For fucking real. And that's what I told Ronnie."

"Damn. He really likes you."

I frowned. "I know, the worst part is I like him too."

"Wait what? How could—,"

I cut him off, "It's arranged. It's a weird tradition thing." I bit my lip.

He nodded in understanding. "She went into the backyard by the way."

I smiled in gratitude and went off. It felt weird knowing that my "secret" was out there. It felt even weirder knowing I just admitted that I liked Ronnie for the first time in ever.

Shreya was outside, just like Aaron said, and she was laughing. And dancing. And having fun. How could I ruin that because of my problems? My life already felt like trash, why should I make her feel bad too?

My eyes glanced to the kitchen, maybe it's time I had fun too.


Three hours later, drunk as a cucumber, and laughing my ass off, I threw myself over a beanbag in Viola's basement. The after party contained Shreya, me, all the five guys, Viola, and a few more people I didn't know.

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