Chapter Fifteen ~ I Totally Won

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner, I had this done by Sunday night but completely forgot about it until now! So without further adieu, here is the extra long chapter! *takes a bow*


Chapter Fifteen ~ I Totally Won

As always, Orchestra was my favorite class of the day. Though it slowly was occurring to me of how close the recital was. I never got too nervous when I'm on a stage, but I felt that this time was different, this time I felt like it would be my last chance at the Autumn Recital. And that made me nervous.

    I was walking down the halls, through the sea of students, when I felt something vibrate in my backpack. At first, I thought I left my back massager on...then I remembered I didn't have one. Shaking my head because of my silliness, I reached inside the teal and grey backpack to retrieve my phone. The caller ID read "Shrek." I sighed before answering.

    "Hello, this is Hell and Fire, how may I be of service? Do you need to deliver a package? I'm sure Hades will love it."

    I heard my cousin scoff on the other end, "Oh shut the crap, Riya. Okay so...I really wanted to surprise you but I can't wait!"

    My face lit up in excitement. It must be really good news if she called to tell me in that voice. "That's good!" I said with a grin while also maneuvering down the stairs. "You know I hate surprises, anyway."

    "I know, that's why I'm calling." She paused, adding a dramatic effect. "Cue the drum roll da da da da da dum. I'm...coming to your recital!" She squealed, and this time I didn't stop her because I squealed back.

    "No way! Really?!"

    "Yes, really, I just found out. I'm coming Friday night!"

    "That's awesome! Is everyone else coming too?"

    "No, they're all busy but they said I could go alone."

    "Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see you!"

    "I know! It's been what? A couple of months?"

    "I think so," we squealed together just as I reached the art room. My happy smile faded away as I realized who else would be in the room. The last time I saw Ronnie was from the note. And honestly, I didn't know if that was his idea of a joke or what. I was assuming it was.

    Wow, just lead me to a closet with the school's player for a good old laugh, huh?

    "Um listen, I'm so happy you're coming, and I'm so glad you told me, and I know we still need to have our talk, but I actually have to go."

    "Go? Go where?" I heard her dramatic groan, maybe even more dramatic than a Shakespearean actor. The funny thing was that it sounded incredibly melodious. Another fact about my cousin, she could sing; she could freaking sing.

    "Believe it or not, I have detention," I replied, frowning at the door.

    I was expecting some kind of disbelief or exaggerated accusation but I got nothing of the sort. "I believe you. You've always been the naughty one."

    "So wait. You totally can't believe I can get stuck inside a janitor's closet but you can believe that I would get detention?"

    "Well, I have gotten detention so it's pretty believable. Mom was okay with it."

    I was surprised, When did this happen? Shreya and I were pretty much the same person. She had to be a doctor, even though she wanted to be a photographer. Both of us were constricted to our school experience, the only exception being she was WAY more social than me. Way more. In fact, if I remembered correctly, she was the most popular girl in her school. The golden girl, and the athlete, and the brainiac. Truth be told, I was the same, it's just that nobody knew. Outside of school, we were both the same person, so it really did surprise me that she managed to get into detention. And I wonder whatever for.

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