Chapter Four ~ Apple Pie

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Hey guys!!! How's it going? Good? Good. 

I just want to say thank you to Ishi42 for just being so kind. :) *Shouts into a big fat megaphone* THANK YOU! So here, this is for you. 

Chapter Four ~ Apple Pie 

"Hey Mom, I'm home!" Pushing the door completely open, I walked into my house.

My mom emerged from behind the kitchen, smiling brightly with a cooking mitt in her hands and an apron around her waist, which was odd because she was usually in the office.

Who poisoned my mom with happy juice today?

"Riya, you're home!" Then she suddenly crossed her arms, following mother-style protocol, "Where have you been?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling horrible about the lie coming up, "Um, studying?" But I guess in a way, detention was a form of studying yourself over the day, right?

"Studying what?"

"Um...just studying."

"Ah good. Good to be prepared." She waved the excuse and beckoned me to follow her into the kitchen. Taking off my shoes, I did.

As I entered our classy kitchen, I was hit with a warm waft of apples and cinnamon. Closing my eyes, I smiled and inhaled the aroma in. Wow.

"Apple pie, you're favorite." I heard the cheery tone in her voice.

Snapping my eyes back open, I threw my arms around her. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you! What did I do to deserve this? The last time you made apple pie was for my eighth birthday party!"

I watched mesmerized as she lovingly pinched my cheek. "Just because." A confused expression plastered my face. The expression "just because" didn't exist in my family.

What is up with Mom today? She barely even talks to me after school.


Staring into her face, squinting a little, I tried detecting any signs that might tell the story otherwise. Nothing. Damn she was good at hiding her feelings.

I straightened up, "Alright."

Relief immediately flooded her face, giving me another curious thought. "Well! Let me bring you a slice."

"Okay," I said, moving to the counter and sitting at one of the chairs.

A piece of delicious apple pie was set in front of me. Smiling and forgetting all about school, detention, and what my mom was hiding, I dug in. It was the first time in a long time that I felt like a normal, carefree child.


Yawning after finishing all my homework, I stood up from my king-sized lavender bed, only to fall back on the bed. I turned my head to the side to check the time. Only six forty five?

I sighed, wondering about what I should do, then it hit me, I would do some gardening.

Searching through my closet, I tried finding my gardening clothes. A simple light green tight with plant splotches all over it paired with a neon pink loose cotton shirt, also showing the vibrant colors of paint splattered across it. As you can tell, these are also my paint clothes.

With the proper attire on, I headed down the stairs and into the garage for my gardening gloves, my purple cushion seat, some gardening tools, and a yard waste basket. I lugged them out the door to the backyard where my huge flower and vegetable garden was growing at the back of the yard. Passing the gazebo and the porch.

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