Chapter Three ~ Detention

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while, I was sick for a couple of days which really threw me off. Anyways, here it is!!! Longer too ;)

Oh and this is the Moonlight Sonata, a piece Riya will be playing. And then there is Ronnie :P 

Chapter Three ~ Detention 

 The door creaked when I slowly opened it. I peeked inside and I let out a breath when I saw that there was no student inside the room.

All to me.

Up above me, the class bell rang, signaling the last class of the day. This was my free period and I usually spent it in the computer room, finishing my homework but after the lunch scene and all the classes with everyone's eyes on me, I decided to head to the music room instead. There's nothing that a little Beethoven can't fix.

The music room wasn't the actual performance area, it's more like a storage room with everyone's instruments from band and orchestra. It also had the antique grand piano.

"Oh hello Riya!"

I jumped from my thoughts, my science elective folder with all my Astrology notes tumbling out of my hands. Crud. I spun around to find Ms. Canopus standing in front of me, a curious expression plastered over her tanned face. I said nothing and bent down to pick up the papers.

"Hello, Ms. Canopus. Sorry, I didn't know you were in here."

Another pair of hands entered my vision and began helping me pick up my stuff. "No worries, I was just on my way out. Did you want to practice for the recital—oh my what happened to your eye?" She looked up me in shock. The Autumn recital was coming up and since I'm the pianist, I have to participate.

"I um, fell..."

"You fell?" She raised a humorous eyebrow.

"Uh yeah, something like that and yeah I do want to practice."

"Alrighty. Are you sure though? It looks pretty bad."

"It's okay, it's nothing." I pressed my lips to together into a tight smile. "But if you have to go that's totally fine, I can come back tomorrow."

"No no, stay and practice, it's no problem for me! Just make sure to lock up after you're done. I have a meeting to get to."

"Really? Oh wow, thank you!"

We stood up and she handed me my science folder. Her deep brown eyes sent a wave of kindness to anyone who talked to her. She was like, the nicest teacher you could ever get. She smiled, naturally making me smile back. "No problem! Here you go, dear. I hope you have fun." And with a wink, she headed out the door, her flowing floral dress in tow.

I walked over to my little spot in the corner, picking up a stack of Beethoven music sheets, deciding to play the Moonlight Sonata. Perfect for my melancholy day.

Walking back to the piano I sat on the old wooden bench.

We should really get a new piano seat. This is as old as my grandpa.


Sighing, I placed the sheet on the stand. I actually didn't need the music sheet since I had this piece memorized by heart but it always felt good when it was there next to me. Well I don't think I could have used it anyways, hence the purple eye and all. Actually, my eye had gotten a lot better, the purpleness was almost gone and the swelling was close to being completely gone. But still, I have this piece memorized.

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