Chapter Sixteen ~ You Wana Go?

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WASSSUPPPPPPPPP GUYSSSS???!!!! I FINALLY was able to do this. I spent all of today on this so I could put something out. To be honest, the guilt was filling me that it took so long to write a chapter. I jsut never had the time. I'm currently "on vacation" and it's incredebly busy. I'm so glad I got this out! Hopefully I'll get another one in before New Year or hopefully Christmas. If not, Merry Christmas!!!!! 


Chapter Sixteen ~ You Wanna Go? 

Oh great.

I crossed my arms and gave him a hard glare. I refused to reply, especially when he called me that, and no, it wasn't an endearing term, it was referring to the "ugly duckling" story, where back in my old school days, I didn't fit in and was casted aside. Oh, and did I mention that Reece was in my elementary too? Only he moved here after fifth grade. What a small world we live in.

I wonder if he remembers me...

"What's the matter? Looking for Prince Charming to come rescue you?" His glaring brown eyes seemed to sparkle like a mad man's will for revenge.

Riya, let's be real. You should run away.

I turned myself around only to find a couple other football dudes circling me. I was encircled by idiotic goons.

Exasperated, I faced Reece again. "What do you want?! Huh? To punch me? To bully me with words? Just stop because I am DONE with you." My body felt like it was on fire, I wanted to punch something, more like, punch him, but then I remembered the words of my instructor who said to, Never engage in anger, or it will be YOU making the mistake.

I closed my eyes in hopes to calm myself. When I opened them up, I felt like a new person.

I didn't want to be pushed around anymore, I didn't want to be in the sidelines. I was capable of so much. Usually, when this happened, they would taunt me with words and hurt me on the inside, leading me to run home and cry, or punch the bag, but no. I didn't want to do that anymore. I knew I could take them all out, so why did I let them punch me?

"You wanna go, Reece?" I dropped my backpack and glared straight on at him, almost seeing the flicker of doubt in his eyes.

He suddenly laughed hysterically. "You? You want to fight, me? B—but you're a girl! And you're tiny!"

I wasn't that tiny, I was 5'6 in a school with lots of tall people.

"Just let me out of this—" I motioned with my hands to his goons that were entrapping me, "—this cage, and maybe you can walk out out of here without a bruise."

His face was early calm, like the calm before a storm, "No."

My heart was pounding and I could feel my palms sweating, I'd never gotten into a real fight before, and surprisingly it was terrifying, even with years of training under my belt.

He stepped closer to me, challenging me to make the first move, and when his other friends stepped forward too, he told them to stay back.

Oh dear God, please help me.

Then, with gritted teeth, he swung at me with his right hand.

I evaded to the right and caught it just as it passed my shoulder. My heart was pounding so hard that my head was beginning to pound. I knew that look of surprise in Reece's face. That was the same look my instructor had the first time I was able to do that. Somehow tae-kwon-do came naturally to me, and I could slow everything down in my mind to defend or attack. I saw that swing coming from a mile away.

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