Chapter Two ~ But I Didn't Do Anything!

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Chapter Two ~ But I Didn't Do Anything!

    I stood in line, patiently waiting for lunch. The worst thing was that out of all the "first day of school" rush, I forgot to pack my lunch, and now I had to eat the school's food. Not that there was anything wrong with it, most of the time it looked delicious, but most of the time it wasn't vegetarian.

I KNEW I should've read the lunch menu this morning.

    Life's testing of my luck was coming up.

    The cafeteria was buzzing with excitement. Everyone was exciting getting back with friends, starting new friendships, relationships, checking out each other. It was a whole social minefield. Today was the day where the groups would be made. The one day where you would be included, or shunned. But of course, I never fit in anywhere.

    Sighing to myself, I scooted forward when suddenly I was shoved out of line, landing me on my butt. I gritted my teeth looking up to see the one who dared to push me.

    It was Reece from the football team who was pretty big, smelled really bad and had the mind of a fly. He was laughing with his other bud who ALSO took part in shoving me. I knew no one was going to step up to them and say something. They were huge and could practically bully anyone until they would be crying in the bathroom stall. I've been there was not good.

    "Hey!" I stood up, suddenly rage seething through my veins. He bullied me all of last year and I wasn't going to take it anymore. I boldly faced him, crossing my arms over my chest. "What hell are you doing? You can't just cut me!" I poked his back, mentally noting it was sweaty.

    Gross. Ew.

    He abruptly stopped talking to his friends and the whole line silenced. The cafeteria was huge so not everyone could hear what I said, but just everyone in the lines.

    I continued, nervousness pounding in my heart. "You have done that so many times last year and I will not allow it this year. So you can take your sorry ass self and your pea sized brain to the corner where it belongs."  I pointed for effect.

    His eyes darkened ferociously, standing taller. He was already a foot taller than me so cowering down while he stood tall, wasn't exactly helping. "What did you just say to me?"

    I glared the best I could, "I said, 'You can go take your sorry self and move the hell out of my way.'"

    And that was when he punched me.



     The door opened and the secretary stepped out. Ms. Kiln wasn't a real beauty like you would see in the movies. Today she had on a cream white blouse and a peach pink pencil skirt. I had to give points for her fashion sense though. But she had a pointy nose, beady eyes, and ridiculous glasses that were twice the size of her tiny head. Plus she was really tall. Like 6 foot 5 inches tall.

    Down here on the chair, I could practically see her nose hairs. I shuddered just thinking about what kind of beasts live up there. I know I know, I'm mean. HAHA well FYI, I don't care.

    "Ms. Anand, Mr. Michaels. Principle Michaels would like to see you both in his office." I cringed when she said my last name as "Ah-nand." It's supposed to be, "Ah-Nundh."

    Reece smirked at me when he passed me and headed through the office door first. I hung my head down and followed, pressing the pack of ice to my eye with more pressure.

    I should've just kept my damn mouth quiet. You've kept it in for THRE FREAKING YEARS. Why today of all days do you choose to stand up for yourself?

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