The rest of the story

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Hi. Hi, hi hello. Ahem, so here is what I planned to happen, the blanks are there so you can, I guess, pick whom you would want Riya to end up with because even I didn't figure that out yet. And plus if it sucks it's because I didn't put too much effort into creating the whole thing because when I write, I wing it.

After telling Ronnie she was engaged, she goes back inside and talks to Viola, gets to know her better and then finds Ronnie passed out and with a fever (don't ask me why he would be that stupid). She tries finding his friends but she couldn't so she just took him to his house leaving Shreya behind. She helped him get better for a few hours and then picked Shreya and they went home. Together they shared many sweet moments, thus fueling Ronnie's sadness further.

Weeks pass yada yada yada and now Aaron and Riya got to know each other much more because they were neighbors. He likes her but can't say that because of the bro code (Ronnie didn't give up on her by the way). She wants to like ___ but she can't because of Rahul.

More weeks pass and on a side note, Viola and Liam are having their own relationship struggles while Maddie and Harry are like COUPLE GOALS. Maya hates Viola's guts because she thinks she's stealing her popularity and taking Liam sealed the deal for that hatred.
But one day, Zamir walks in on her having a breakdown and suddenly he knew he wanted Maya. Therefore, Maya and Zamir are having their own drama that includes both Viola and Liam. (Four way couples drama yay).

At first Rahul did not want to even think about spending his life with Riya but over the past few months he's grown to like her and verbally expressed it to Riya as well. She's even more heartbroken because she realized that the only reason they didn't like each other sooner was because of pride on doing what their parents want. She's torn between Rahul and _____ .

Finally she chooses ____ but Rahul won't give up and so there's more drama. Meanwhile Liam and Viola are rocky as ever while Maddie and Harry and still goals and Zamir and Maya are getting there.

Yada yada time passes and Riya stands up to her parents and tells them she wants to pursue her own dreams and not let anyone decide whom she'll marry. They don't like it at first but then it's a big happy family again.

During the end of the school year, Riya finally chooses _____ (one of the three guys).

Oh and Xavier is actually gay and doesn't care about drama and is focused on school and nobody knew and yet everyone is okay with it.

THE END, and then some

~ Rainbow

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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