Chapter Eighteen ~ Miss Shreya

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I know I know, you want to kill me. Here's a butternife *hands over the butternife* stab away. 


Okay, now that you're done stabbing the life out of me I need to explain becuase I feel so badddd. I had this chapter done ages ago but I lost wifi for weeks, then I made the trip back home (yay!) so now I'm still getting adjusted and everything. 

But I'm back. ;) 


Oh and this chapter FINALLY reveals the secret I've been trying to keep all this time!! 

Chapter Eighteen ~ Miss Shreya 

 "So who is he anyway?"

I turned from the window to face him. His hands were gripping the wheel and his face was emotionless; it was hard to determine his expression.

"You mean, Rahul?" I bit the inner side of my cheek in anticipation.

"Yeah. Like is he a friend? Cousin? More than a friend?"

"I guess," was my simple response, turning back at the fast moving scenery.

"You're not answering the question."

"And you're asking too many of them!"

He laughed, which melted a heart the tiniest bit. Especially after that long stretch of silence. "I'm just curious! You can't help that, it's been with me since I was born."

I smiled, thinking about the answer silently in my mind. "I don't really know...I guess that's the best answer I can give you. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know," he replied, smiling to himself. "I thought that maybe I could ask—,"

I looked up to the road, reading the sign that said the airport was coming up. "Oh, we're almost there!" He efficiently kept his mouth closed.

I glanced at the time; it was already 5:45 and I knew just how paranoid Shreya could get. I remember when we were little, she never climbed a single tree because she feared that she would fall, break her neck and die. She used to yell up at me every ten seconds asking if I could come down.

I smiled at the memory, which quickly dropped when we came into the Arrivals parking section.

"Pull up here," I instructed, swiftly getting out of the car and into the airport. Immediately, I found her sitting in the waiting area with her face in her hands.

"Shreya!" She glanced up, looking relieved to see me. We met each other half way with a hug.

"When the hell have you been? I thought you were murdered! I could have gotten kidnapped! You're sick and twisted—how could you do this to me?"

I laughed at her pouting face, "And to top that, your luggage is being stolen." She looked at me with big wide eyes and a twitching face that was ready to burst in tears, snapping her head around. The face she made was pure gold. She looked back at me and glared at my laughing self.

"You asshole."

I shrugged, "You asked for it."

She huffed, both of us walking to her little space to pick up her bags. "I did not ask for a horror story."

"You didn't ask for anything Shreya but I am giving you everything."

She grumbled, "I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse," making me laugh once again. I was always my brightest self when she was around and it was just something about the sisterly bond we have that can make the world's more despair situation better.

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