Chapter Five ~ Ronnie's Doofuses

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Hey, guys!!!! How's it going? Good? Good. Sorry for taking a while to put this together. Lol, I should make myself a deadline...How's a week? By every Monday morning sound good? Good. 

I love this chapterrrrrrrrrrr <3 

~ Rainbow

Chapter Five ~ Ronnie's Doofuses

I sighed, looking at my reflection in my locker's mirror. My purple eye was pretty much healed, thanks to my fast healing ability. I couldn't believe my parents hadn't even noticed. Grabbing my English books, I slammed the door to my locker shut.

Though the person one the side of my locker pretty much gave me a heart attack.

I sighed, "What do you want Reece?"

He smirked and just shrugged his shoulders, "Revenge."

Narrowing my eyes, I questioned, "Revenge for what? You pretty much got me in trouble for something I DIDN'T even do."

He titled his head, "No, it was for what you said."

I clenched my teeth together; I wasn't in the mood. "Go away." I tried taking a step to pass him but he effectively blocked me. "Move it!"

"You have to do my math homework."

Pausing, I looked him in the eye. "No." I saw all the movies where the victim of the bully would always have to do the bully's homework for them. I wouldn't let myself sink to that. Ever.

An angry spark lit up in his eyes, "Oh? So you're ready for round two?" Straightening himself up, he looked much taller. And cracking his knuckles didn't help.

A bit frightened, I took a step back, hugging the books to my chest. No matter what happened, I would NOT let these poor books suffer. Plus my English homework was with me.

"There is not going to be a Round Two, Reece." A voice called out from behind the big guy that usually played center in his football team.

I leaned to the side, trying to see who said that. To my surprise it was Ronnie. Apparently the shock on my face was evident because Reece noticed it and looked behind too.

Ronnie stood there with his arms crossed and his eyes glaring at Reece. "Look you tortured her enough, just leave her alone."

I raised my eyebrow in amusement. Ronnie was standing up for me? What did I do to suddenly gain his attention? Surely a member of the BBC club would have better things to do than to tell a bully off.

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it, hot-shot?"

Ronnie stepped forward and murmured something to Reece that must have been really good blackmail because Reece's eyes practically jumped out of their sockets.

"You wouldn't, you don't have proof!"

"Oh, I do." Ronnie smirked, his hazel eyes sparkling with the excitement of a challenge.

He scowled, looking back to me then storming off with his big attitude and all. Ronnie chuckled before walking over to me.

"So you're standing up for me now?" I raised a curious eyebrow. "Think I can't handle myself?"

He winked, "Well I'm always looking to save a damsel in distress?"

I shook my head, smiling. "Well if you don't move it, I'm going to be late for class and I just can NOT be late." I said and starting tapping my foot impatiently.

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