Love Always

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Next update is the last chapter for this story. There will NOT be a sequel. They will remain present in the International storyline through The World. Also due to Natalia's brother being the donor for Alexia and Jenni, Nat will be VERY present in the Back to You story. I've thought this all through. 

Also, when you finish this chapter please don't kill me...

I'm just a child.


August 2026

Daniëlle's POV:

I finished getting all my stuff together. "Is that everything?" Natalia asked.

"Yeah." I smiled. "Everything is packed." I sighed. I looked at her. 

She nodded. "Ok then." She walked away.

"Nat." I followed her.

"I need time, Daan. Go back to the Netherlands. Do what you have to do. Let me do what I have to." She shook her head. "Please. Give me that."

"We aren't done working this out."

"There's nothing to work out! I can't make you magically want kids. I'm not going to force you to do things you don't want. You want me to be happy, I want the same thing for you."

"So then what do we do?" 

She looked at me. "Go back to the Netherlands, Daan." She said. "Do what you have to do."

"Give me an actual answer, Natalia! What happens now?"

"You want to know?" She walked away and came back. "I got this for you." She put a small box in my hand. "And I was going to ask you, but," I opened the box and saw the small ring inside. "Now I know that's not in your plans. I love you, but I've had that ring since May. I've been waiting for the perfect time to ask you to marry me only to find out that you don't even want to get married! I looked at that ring. Every night since May. I hope she likes it, I wonder what I'll say, where will I ask her, when will I ask her, hope she says yes. Fast forward to now, she doesn't even want to get married."

I closed the box. "Natalia I."

"Just go." She shook her head. "Just leave." She walked away. 

"I'm going to Barcelona." I said. "Mapi asked me to go. For Mariana's last game. I guess she isn't aware of our situation. I know you'll be there too, Nat. Mariana is your best friend. I know you don't want to see me, and the last thing I want is to put you through more pain. But Mariana deserves to look into the crowd and see the loving faces of her friends. I'm willing to put all this aside for 90 minutes, for Mariana."

She sighed and turned to me. "90 minutes. Then I want you to leave."


Natalia's POV:

We got to Barcelona and when it was game day, we sat in the stadium. They showed the lineups.

"Forward #7 Nahikari Garcia." Virginia screamed. "Captain for Real Sociedad is Nahikari Garcia."

"My WOMAN!" Vir yelled.

"Do you ever take a day off?" Carmen looked at her. 


Next was Barcelona's lineups. "Forward #7 Mariana Mendes." I clapped. "Today's captain. Mariana Mendes!"

"Aw. Ale gave up the armband." Virginia smiled.

"She has a heart after all." Lola said. I laughed. She turned to me. "Why aren't you playing, Italy?"

I nodded. "I hurt my ankle a while ago. Still recovering from it."

"Ahh. And you Dutch? Why aren't you out there?"

"I let my contract expire." Daan said. "Might take this season off." 

"The smart couple. Why aren't you and Nahikari like that?" She asked Vir. I looked down. 

"Because that would require both Vir and Nahikari to be smart." Carmen said. "And we all know how little Virginia is."

"Bite me, Menayo."

I felt Daan's eyes on me. "The games starting." I said. We watched the game. As a player of Real Sociedad, I wanted them to do good.

But as Mariana's best friend, nevermind. Go Real Sociedad. 

Going into halftime Barcelona was leading 4-0 and she was on a hat-trick.

"She's not holding back." Daan said. 

"It's Mariana. She never does." A woman sat near up with her children. I looked down. "This is harder than I thought." I sighed. 

The 2nd half started. Mariana completed her hat trick and then jumped into Mapi's arms. When we saw Alexia standing up, we knew this was the end of Mariana's time in Spain. 

For now, at least.

We all stood up and cheered for her.

She walked off and put the armband on Alexia. "Go Mariana!" Virginia screamed. 

She looked at us and smiled, patting her chest and pointing at us. She sat down on the bench. 

The women with her children stayed near us. Daan looked at them, then me. "I came here to support Mariana. You said 90 minutes, but she's off now. I'm not going to torture you anymore." She stood up and leaned toward me. "When you get home, I'll be gone." She looked at everyone. "I'm not feeling too well, gonna head out." I felt the tears in my eyes. "It was good to see all of you." She left. 

"You alright, Nat?" I heard Lola asked. 

I nodded. "I'm fine." I wiped my face. 

Daniëlle's POV:

I left Barcelona and headed back. When I got back to Nat's place I finished getting all of my stuff loaded up and looked around. I noticed the small box on her bedside table and opened it. 

I grabbed a piece of paper. 

Natalia's POV:

I got back home from Barcelona and looked around. Every trace of Daan was gone. I headed to my room and saw the box there. Next to it was a piece of paper

Natalia. I wish I could give you all you want in life. You deserve everything. But I can't give you that. I promised I'd never hurt you, and staying around knowing that I'm keeping you from true happiness. That's hurting both of us. 

I have to do this. I need to let you be happy, as much as it pains me. I'm giving you more than time. I'll make this decision for both of us, Nat.

I love you. You are my true love. But I need to let you go. You want things I don't. There are probably things I want that you don't either. Our love, as strong as it is, can't force things. 

So as much as I love you, I'm letting you go. Live the life you want. Find your true happiness, and I know that when the time comes, you'll be the best mother.

I hope one day we can figure out a way to at least be in the same room together without so much pain between us. I'll see you soon. 

Love always,


I put the note down and covered my face. 

"Hey, Nat when did you get hom-" Leon looked at my face. "What happened?" 

I looked at the note. "She."

"Hey." He sat next to me. "I'm here." He held me. I started to cry into his shirt. "I'm right here."

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