What's Bothering You

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Spanish will be in bold

These are flashbacks

Everything else is normal.


Natalia's POV:

"How's the shoulder?" Jill asked.


"You haven't practiced because of a shoulder injury. How is it?"

"Getting better." I said. "Thanks for asking."

"How'd it happen? We left for the Olympics you were fine."

"I was practicing with my brother." I nodded. "He tripped me, landed hard on my shoulder."

"Do I have to fight him? I will?" 

I laughed. "It's fine, Jill. He's the reason I'm the player I am. Everyone else held back because I'm a girl. Not him. I'm not a female football player with him. I'm his equal."

"We stan your brother." 

"We do." 

"How's everything with Alex?"

"See? This is EXACTLY why you aren't going back to England."

"Are you still going on about this?"

"I need you by my side at all times."

"You need to get over it! I play for Arsenal now! Pick a new fight."

"There is no fight, Natalia. You're leaving Arsenal. End of discussion."

"The only thing I'm leaving is you. Bye." I walked away.

"Get back here!" She walked toward me. "We're not done with this."

"We need to be done, Alex. I signed with Arsenal! I like playing there I'm not leaving just because you're being a little bitch about it!"

She grabbed me and slammed me into the wall near her. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. "Leave Arsenal. Or else." She let go and walked away.

"You know. Just boring couple stuff." I looked down. "How was Tokyo? Tell me all about it."

"Ok!" Jill started going on and on about the Olympics. Completely forgetting everything we were talking about before. 

Just what I wanted.

Daniëlle's POV:

"Well?" I asked when Jill walked into my apartment. 

"She said her shoulder was because of her brother. He tripped her, she landed on it."

"Do we buy it?" Lisa asked.

"Yes but it's more than that." Jill crossed her arms. "The minute I brought up Alex, it looked like she'd seen a ghost. I think Alex did something that hurt her shoulder, but then when practicing with her brother, she injured it worse."

"What happened when you brother up Alex?" Beth asked.

"She was short with me. The immediately changed the subject. We ask about Nat, she'll talk. We bring up Alex, that's where it ends. Keep chipping with this whole Alex situation, we get to the bottom of everything." 

"How are we going to do that?" Viv asked. "You said it yourself. Bring up Alex that ends everything."

"We bring it up without actually bringing it up." I said. "Bring up dating, but never mention Alex."

"And what about Alex?"

I leaned back and crossed my arms. "I think it's time I dealt with that Italian pain in my ass." 

Natalia's POV:

"How's the shoulder?" The coach asked.

"Good. I was just going to head to the gym for a little before practice."

"Let's talk for a minute." He brought me to his office. "You've been a little different since the end of last season to now. I just want to make sure you're ok."

"I'm fine."

"If anyone within the club has none anything please let someone know." 

"It wasn't anyone within the club." I mumbled. 

"What happened Natalia?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." 

"Please tell someone. If you don't want to tell me, tell someone."

I nodded. "Can I go to the gym now?"


I left his office and headed to the gym, bumping into Daniëlle on the way.

"Hey. Natalia." She smiled. "It's been a while. I miss my friend."

I looked down. "Yeah. Focusing on the season that's all. I gotta run. I'll see you at practice." 

Daniëlle's POV:

She walked away and I sighed. I headed into the coach's office to see if everything was ok.

"Is everything ok with Natalia?" I asked.

"You've noticed it too?"

"We all have. We're worried about her."

"Any ideas on what if could be? You two are close yes?"

"We were. She's been avoiding me since the end of last season. Jill's been talking to her. Viv too. If you want my opinion. I think it's got something to do with her girlfriend. But it's none of my business."

"Then why bring it up?"

"Because I want my friend back. I want Natalia back."

No one's POV:

Natalia worked out in the gym, while her teammates got ready for practice. When she was done, she got ready and met them out on the field. Her first training back since the end of last season. 

She loved playing here. 

Her first season was some of the best football she's played. Her teammates became best friends overnight.

She loves the city and being in England. 

But Alex's words never left her mind.

"Leave Arsenal. Or else." 

She didn't want to leave, but she also didn't want to find out what Alex would do if she stayed. 

Looking at her teammates she felt that it was time.

Time to turn to them and ask for help. 

But there was one person she wanted more by her side.

Her mother. 

Natalia's POV:

"Mama!" I smiled. I hugged her and grabbed her bags. "Welcome to England." 

"My talented girl. Look at you." 

We got to my car and I drove her to my apartment. "I have practice in an hour. But then we're having a mother daughter day."

She laughed. "While I love getting to spend time with my children. Why did you fly me out here, Nat? What's going on?"

"Nothing's going. I can't fly my mom out to visit?"

"I'm your mother. I know everything going on with you before you do. It's my job to pay attention to my children. What's bothering you?"

I sighed and parked the car. I turned to her as tears filled my eyes. "Alex." I whispered.

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