An Enemy

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May 2024

Natalia's POV:

"How's Italy?" I answered Mariana's call.

"It's great. Your friend Aurora is the sweetest girl I've met."


"Besides you."

"There you go." She laughed. "You really decided to play in Italy when I'm finally in Spain. Love you too, Mari."

"It was a last-minute decision." She sighed. "Hopefully when I do get back to Spain everyone is truthful with me. Do you know why they're being weird?"

"Mari if I knew, I'd tell you. I have no idea though. Nahikari doesn't even know if that makes you feel better."

"Is it supposed to?"

"Apparently Vir tells her EVERYTHING. But not this. Which means whatever it is, it's so big a secret Virginia is managing to keep her mouth shut." I saw a video chat request from Daan coming. "Daan is calling. I'll talk to you later, Mari. Tell those Italians I'll see them soon, yeah?"

"You got it. Tell Daan I'll help her box when I see her." 

I laughed. "I will." I hung up and answered Daan. "Hi my love." I smiled.

"WOW! Beautiful girl alert!"

"I'm hanging up."

"NO WAIT!" I looked at her. "HOTTIE! Ok, I'm done." I rolled my eyes. "How are you?"

"Good. Just talked to Mariana she's going to help you with your boxing next time she sees you."

Daan shook her head. "My boxing is fine. Leah's just massive."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, love." 

"What's going on with you? Seasons almost over right?"

"Yep. Then some time off before the Olympics." 

"In Italy?"

"Yep." I smiled. 

"Good to know. I'll be there."

"You don't have to come to Italy." 

"I haven't seen you in a few months and who knows what it's going to be like leading up to the Olympics. Also, I want to visit my beautiful girlfriend in a cool country."

"Fine. But no talk of the Netherlands. We're still bitter about 2019." 

"Deal." She laughed.

Daniëlle's POV:

The season was over. "Daan!" Leah ran up to me. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Are we actually gonna talk or are we going to fight again?" I asked clenching my fists. 

"Talk." She said. "How's your hand?" She crossed her arms.

"It's fine. How's your jaw?"

"Why what happened to it?" She smirked. I rolled my eyes. She laughed and grabbed her jaw. "Not gonna lie, Daan. You've got one hell of a right hook. I'm fine though. You off to Italy?" 

"Yeah. Going to visit Natalia. Remember her?" 

"That's why I'm here." She sighed. "I'm going to talk to her, but I wanted to clear things up with you first because you tend to get violent. I want us to be good before I talk to her."


"Because if you and I aren't good and you find out I'm talking to Nat, you'll get all," She looked at me. "aggressive."

"I'm protective of my girl."

"And I respect that." She nodded. "I was just really excited to have her here after that world cup. And then to see she was leaving without any warning. It hurt. Then it was worse know that she had wanted to leave the season before, just. You know." She looked down. "But I let it get too far, and that's on me. I will speak to Natalia, but first. I apologize for my actions, Daan. I never meant for anyone to get hurt, and you ended up in the hospital. I let it go too far and for that, I apologize. You came to me and tried to talk things out, and I said things I shouldn't have."

I nodded. "Thank you. For apologizing. I did go too far too, though. But I love Natalia, and I know how amazing she is. So if I hear someone say something bad about her, I can't help it. I have to defend her. And hearing it come from you, someone she called a friend? It pissed me off."

"I understand."

"Nat was really hurt by all this. I won't be able to forgive you until you talk to her. It hurt her more than me. Your words and actions hurt her, and seeing her so hurt, hurt me." She nodded. "You apologize to Natalia, see how she feels. Then we'll figure it out." I walked away. 

June 2024

Natalia's POV:

"Aurora!" I saw my friend.

"Natalia!" She hugged me. "I missed you. Your friend Mariana, she filled the void though."

"Happy to see you replaced me."

"Replaced? Never just a substitute." She laughed. "How's Spain?"

"It was great." I smiled. "Nice to be around my brother, playing in the same city again. And Nahikari? She's the real deal." 

"I heard. Try to get her to come here."

"How about you come join me in Spain? You've been here your whole career? Branch out Yaya."

"We'll see." She smirked. I looked down at my phone.


"It's probably her saying that she's coming to Italy permanently. Sorry looks like I'm staying." 

I pushed her. "I doubt it." I answered it. "Hey Mari what's up?"


"What happened?" I smiled.

"So I got back to Portugal and Mapi was in my apartment. She explained everything and then we few off on this amazing vacation! And guess what she did!"

"Babe I thought we weren't saying anything!" I heard Mapi in the background.

"But it's Natalia!" 

"Fine but if you tell Natalia, I get to tell Carmen."

"Why Carmen?"

"I like Carmen. She's trustworthy. And she'll love knowing something that Lola doesn't."

"True. Ok, you can tell Carmen!" Mariana yelled. "Anyway! Guess what Mapi did."

I laughed. "What did she do?"

"She proposed!"

"WHAT!" I looked at Aurora. "Mariana that's huge! And what did you say?"

"I said yes!" She laughed. "Natalia, I'm engaged."

"Yes, you are." I smiled. "Congratulations. We'll have to celebrate after the Olympics." 

"Don't tell anyone yet. Not even Daan."

"Your secret is safe with me, Mariana. Always." 

I turned around and saw Daan. "Jesus!"

"Oh, Nat your girlfriend is here." Aurora smirked.

I glared at her as she walked away and turned back to Daan. "You're here early."

"I am." She nodded. "Because I come with an enemy." She looked over her shoulder.


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