Owe It To Them

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March 2022

"Hey want to come with me to the airport?" I asked Beth. 

"Sure. Why?"

"Lieke's friend Mapi?" She nodded. "They're coming today. I said I'd pick them up." I shrugged. "Why not."

"Let's not keep them waiting." She smiled.

We drove to the airport and waited. I eventually saw her. Hard to miss her.  

"You must be Mapi?" I said.

"Yeah. Lieke called right?"

"Yep. I'm Danielle. This is Beth. She's our driver."

"I'm her girlfriend." Beth rolled her eyes.

"This is my girlfriend, Mariana."

"Hello." Mariana waved.

"Everything good?" Mapi asked me.

"Yeah, we got you the tickets for the Emirates, obviously. And Jackie helped with Old Trafford." I said.

"Great." Mapi smiled.

"I hope you don't mind. Some of our teammates will be joining us at the Arsenal game."

"The more people the better." Mariana smiled.

"Also how is the league in America?" I asked. "I heard its shit." Beth sighed and covered her face. "What? I did!" 

"It's different." Mariana laughed.

"Different is code for its shit." I said. "Whatever. Let's go!"

Natalia's POV:

"Have you thought about next season?" Leon asked. I was visiting him in Spain. 

"Not really no." I said. "Think I might stay in Italy for another season." I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Come to Real Sociedad." He said. "I've heard them talk about strengthening the women's side. You can fill that spot. Besides, I think you and Nahikari would be a great duo on the field."

"Nahikari?" I asked. "Nahikari Garcia?" He nodded. 

"You know her?"

"Not personally but I've played against her. She's really good." I thought about it. "I'll talk to Isabell." 

When I got back to Italy I met with her. "My brother said Real Sociedad is looking to strengthen their roster next season. Any chance I can go there?"

"What about Arsenal?" She asked.

"If nothing happens with Real Sociedad I'll go back to Arsenal but," I sighed. "Playing in Spain sounds fun."

"You didn't want to play in Spain when Athletic Bilbao offered you a contract." 

"That was 3 years ago." I smiled. "I've changed my mind." 

"I'll make a few calls but no promises." She said. "Usually teams approach players they think can fit those spots but I'll see what I can do. Focus on Fiorentina and if it comes to it, Arsenal."

I nodded. "Alright. Thank you."

"Yeah yeah." She laughed.

I got in my car and opened Instagram.

MarianaMendes: 25 years old and 1 year together. Spent in England with new friends.

Daniëlle was in the picture.

"Mariana you son of a bitch." I shook my head. I opened the messages with her and typed a new one.

You traitor! Why are you with her!

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