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July 2021

Daniëlle's POV:

I scrolled through Instagram and saw Natalia's new post.

NataliaGarcia: My family is getting bigger! So happy for my mom and Bryan!

Her mom was hugging a man. Natalia was with 3 guys and 1 girl. I looked at who she tagged.

Her brother, sister and the two other guys I didn't know.

"What you doing?" Jill sat across from me.

"Natalia's mom is getting married." I said and locked my mom. "Looks like she's in America." 

"Good for her mom." Jill looked at her phone. "Wow. Two more step-siblings."

Natalia's POV:

"We're gonna be late Carmen." I sighed. "That girl is never on time." I mumbled. 

She ran downstairs. "You are going to LOVE Rio Tinto stadium!" She pulled me out to the car. "I've gone there a few times and it's amazing."

"Let's just go." I laughed. We got to the stadium and there were a lot of fans.

"I forgot to mention. The games have been selling out a lot since Mariana sighed."

"Mariana? As in Mariana Mendes? Portuguese striker?"

"Yeah. Know her?"

I laughed. "Yeah, I know her. Let me guess, you don't actually have tickets for the game?"

"How'd you know."

"I'm your sister. I sensed it." I sighed and pulled out my phone. "One second."

I waited and then got the response. "Let's go." I smiled. As we walked toward one of the workers I kept my phone out. "Hi. We're guests of Mariana Mendes?" I said. 

"Let me talk to my supervisor." He grabbed his walkie and talked to him. "I got 2 girls here. Said they're guests of Mariana's? Hmm. Ok. Yep, I'll send them in." He looked at us. "Head over to that nice lady over there, she'll get you set up. Enjoy the game." 

"Thank you." I smiled and we walked away.

"You know Mariana?"

"I might be friends with her." I smirked. "Come on genius." 

Daniëlle's POV:

"I'm bored." I sat upside down on the couch. 

"What do you want to do?" Beth smiled.

"Anything." I sat up and looked at her. "I don't know. You're the brains come up with something."

She laughed. "I'm the brains?" I nodded. "Ok. Then get up."

"Where are we going?"

"To find something to do. No more sitting around. Let's go." 

Natalia's POV:

I scrolled through Instagram throughout the game.

The game was exciting I just couldn't focus. 

daniellevddonk: Fun day

"Is that Daniëlle van de Donk?" Carmen looked at my phone. I locked and glared at her.

"What did I say about looking at my phone?"

"Not to do it?" She said. "But do I ever listen to you?"

"That's it. No Mariana for you."

"No! Nat come on!" 

"Stop looking at my phone."

"Ok. Ok, I'll stop. But you clearly like her so what are you doing?"

"She has a girlfriend?"

"And? When has that stopped anyone?"

"I am not breaking up her and Beth!"

"She's with Beth? They're so cute together. Aw, you poor thing."

"You're a pain in my ass. This is why I talk to Leon more." 

"Can I actually be serious for a second?" I nodded. "So obviously I played for the youth teams in Italy."


"I played for the U19 team before I left for college."

"Yeah." I nodded. "Eleonora played for Italy and went to college in the US." 

"What if I don't want to play for Italy?" She looked at me. "I'm a US citizen now."

"You want to play for America?"

"I don't know. Mexico is a possibility too." She sighed. "You and Leon have played for Italy and made names for yourselves. I want to make a name for myself but I don't think I can do that in Italy."

"Carmen." I put my arm around her. "Do whatever you have to do. The jerseys we were don't matter, it's what you do IN those jerseys that count. Leon and I made names for ourselves because of how we played, not because we wore Italy shirts. Wherever you play, we're proud of you."

She nodded. "Can I ask you a question?" I nodded. "Why do you wear DeLuca on your jersey when you play for Italy and Italian clubs, but when you went to Arsenal you wore Garcia?"

I shrugged. "When it says DeLuca I feel more Italian. I feel like I'll be more respected as an Italian than if I wear Garcia." I shook my head. "I don't know. I wore DeLuca my whole career. When I finally left Italy and went to England I wanted a fresh start away from everything. So I thought wearing a different name would help that." 

"Did it?"

"I ended up back in Italy didn't I?" I smirked. 

"I thought it had to do with dad."

"I wear that name for me. Not for him. He's nothing to me. To any of us." 

"Leon wears Garcia, even when he plays for Italy." 

"That's his own choice." I said. "Wear whatever name you want, Carmen. Play for who you want. It's your decision, no one else's. Not mine, not Leon's, not mom's and definitely not dad's."

The game ended and Utah won. After we got down to the field and Mariana walked over.

"You're in America!" 

"I didn't know you spoke English?"

"Not much." She said. "Vero help a little." 

I laughed. "But you understand it now?" She nodded. "Well, Mariana this is my sister, Carmen. Carmen this is,"

"Mariana dos Santos Mendes." She hugged the Portuguese striker. "You're my favorite player!"

Mariana looked at me. "Thanks, sis." I crossed my arms.

"You're cool too but. It's Mariana."

Mariana laughed. "You play too?"

"At BYU."

"I clean up we go out after? You meet Vero. She love you!" She patted my shoulder.

"We'll be here." I turned to my sister. "I thought I was your favorite player?"

"You were. But then was BEFORE I met Mariana dos Santos Mendes!"

"And how did you manage to meet her I wonder? Hmmm." I tapped my chin. "Oh, that's right. Because of your SISTER."

"Nat. No one likes show off." She walked away.

"Damn kids." I sighed and followed her. 

Mariana is really going to play a big part in Natalia's life post-Arsenal. 

Will Natalia and Daan ever end up together? There might be some clues in the next few chapters of "The World" so check those out!

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