The Euros

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July 2021

Natalia's POV:

My time in America is great. 

I'm getting ready for my mother's wedding. I'm so happy she finally met someone who truly loves her. 

"Natalia." My brother walked over. 

"What Leon?"

"You got a date to the wedding? You usually have a date."

"I don't have a girlfriend anymore." I said. "So no, I don't have a date." 

"Well good. I don't either." He said. 

"What about the girl you were with?"

"She couldn't make it." He shrugged. "Well then," He crossed his arms. "To the 2 oldest children. Alone at our mother's wedding." He held up his glass.

"Cheers." I laughed. 

"Natalia!" My now youngest brother, Brayden ran over. He's 19.

"What's up kid." I high fived him.

"I haven't seen you in forever."

"I've been busy." I smiled. "You know? World Cup and everything. Hey but congratulations on getting drafted!" I patted his back. "Where'd you go? Minnesota right?"

"Yep." He smiled. "I play for the Minnesota Wild. Well, I will. I'm getting ready for my 2nd year at BC."

"Oh, college." Leon smiled. "I didn't go to college." I laughed. 

"I didn't either. Carmen was the first of us to go to college."

"Peyton didn't go either. Started playing for Flamengo and never looked back."

"Everyone is different." I said. "Have you played for the Wild at all?"

"A few games during preseason last year. They have the rookie camps. I'm reporting there after the wedding. Where are you two going after?"

"Back to Spain." Leon said. "Real Sociedad year 2."

"Italy." I said. "Finish up my loan at Fiorentina." I said. 

"Come to Spain after." Leon said. "I know you don't want to go back to England."

"I don't even know what I want." I sighed. "Brayden, don't grow up. It sucks." I smiled and walked away. 

Daniëlle's POV:

NataliaGarcia: Good luck to my new brother Brayden at rookie camp! You're going to do great! 

I scrolled through her profile. 

NataliaGarcia: 1990 and 1994. My best friend.

A lot of posts with her siblings. And her mother. I sighed and turned on the TV. 

"Today Italy officially announced their final squad for this year's Euros. The Euros kick off in a few weeks and Italy is hopeful for a big year. Big stand out is Fiorentina striker, Natalia Garcia. Recently declaring that she will mainly be wearing Garcia on her jersey." 

They showed the roster. I opened her contact and typed a message.

See you in England!

But then I remembered and quickly deleted it.

Natalia's POV: 

Arriving in England for the Euros was refreshing. The time away made me miss this country more than I thought I would.

Our group had Spain in it. As well as France and Scotland. 

We were ready for it.

Bring on my first Euros!

The tournament has been fun so far. We beat France and were getting ready for Spain. I was worried about them. Spain is probably my favorite team to watch.

"Nat!" Lisa jogged over. "Your friend Mariana is dating Mapi Leon right?" I nodded. "Did she give you any advice on beating Spain?"

"She said good luck." I laughed. "We don't need any advice. We got this."

"I hope you're right." She sighed. "Alexia Putellas scared me."

"Alexia Putellas scares her own team." I put my arm around her shoulders. "Lisa. Look at me." She did. "We got this." 

We got to the stadium and walked around the field. Spain was there doing the same. I went over. "Mapi." She turned around. "I'm N-"

"Natalia." She smiled. "Mariana talks about you. Nice to finally meet you." She shook my hand. 

"All good things?"

"Nothing but praise." She laughed. "Good luck today. That game against France? That was something. Play with that same energy yeah?"

"Of course." I walked away. 

"Well?" Aurora asked.

"Mariana was right."


I put my hands on my hips. "The neck tattoo does make her hotter." I turned around again. "How is that even possible it looks so out of place?"

"About the game!" Elena grabbed me. "We're talking about the game!"

"Useless lesbian." Aurora shook her head.

I glared at her. "They saw our game against France. We play like that we might have a chance."

Daniëlle's POV:

The group stage was over! We finished top of our group with England. It wasn't easy but we did it.

Now we play Italy.

I play Natalia.

Heading into the stadium I tried to focus on the game but all I thought about was her.

How we left things. 

"You say you were drawn to come here for reasons you didn't know, and I was drawn to help for reasons I didn't know."

"We know my reason now." She said softly.

"And I know mine." I looked at her. "Don't leave."

"I need to go home, Daniëlle." She sighed.


"Because coming here was a mistake. I came here because of you." She whispered. "I had to have surgery on my shoulder, I haven't played that well even before that. I need to regroup and get back to how I was, and I can do that back home in Italy. So you need to let me go. If you really care about me, you'll let me go."

"Ok." I nodded. "You're gonna do great over there."

"You be good to Beth. She's a good one, don't mess it up." She sighed. "You're happy with her." She whispered. I nodded. "As much as I wanted to leave Italy, I don't think I was ready. I can't be happy here. Not now."

"I understand." I stepped back. "And I do." She looked confused. I grabbed her hand. "Care about you. I really do."

"Daan." She whispered and pushed my hand away. "Don't." She shook her head. "Please don't. Not now." She turned and walked away. 

"Why?" She stopped. "Why not now?"

"You know why." She kept walking.

"You ready to go?" Viv patted my shoulder. I looked around the locker room.

"Yep. Let's do this." 

Natalia and Mapi meet!!!! Will we see Natalia in their story soon???? Hmmmmm

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