Whether Or Not

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July 2020

Natalia's POV:

My first season at Arsenal was fun.

All the Dutch players were in Tokyo for the Olympics.

I was back in Italy.

With Alex.

April 2020

"You, Natalia Garcia DeLuca are a queen. And you deserve to be treated as such. And until you find someone worthy of your greatness. Your teammates here at Arsenal will be with you every step of the way. I know what was calling you here. Love and safety." Daniëlle said.

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"Before I left Italy, I thought about what I wanted for my life a year from that moment. I didn't want to be with Alex. I didn't want to be in Italy."

"So what did you want?"

I looked at her. "I wanted to be in England. With you."

Present time

Daan and I haven't talked much since that moment in the locker room.

Mostly because of me. 

I've been avoiding her.

"Let's go." Alex walked into the living room.

"You're finally ready?" I smirked.

"All that time getting ready and I don't even compare to how incredible you look." 


"I try."

Daniëlle's POV:

"How's Natalia?" Lieke asked.

"Don't know." I sighed. "She's been avoiding me for a few months."

"Why? What'd you did?"

"I did nothing." She stared at me. "Seriously it wasn't me!" I filled her in on everything. "Then she said that she wanted to be in England. With me." I sighed. "That whole time! I didn't notice it."

"So? Now you know she feels the same!"

"She's still with Alex." I scoffed. "And besides, I'm with Beth and I'm very happy." 

"I'm sure you are. You know I adore Beth, but you're lying to the poor girl. She's had a crush on you forever and you're only with her now because Natalia wasn't an option." 

I looked down. "I'm very happy with Beth. Natalia just wasn't the one for me." I walked away. 

"Do you honestly believe that?" Lieke caught up with me. "You believe that Natalia isn't the one for you? What and Beth is?"

"I don't know! Maybe!" I closed my eyes and stopped. "I don't know."

Natalia's POV:

"Everything ok?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. Just checking the scores." I locked my phone. "The Netherlands are winning." I smiled.

"Why do you care about the Netherlands?"

"I have a bet going with Jill. If the Netherlands get a medal, any color, I have to buy her lunch for a month during the season. If they don't, she buys me lunch." 

"How are they doing so far?"

"Good so far." I laughed. "Don't get me wrong, I want them to do good. Half the Netherlands national team is at Arsenal," She laughed. "But I don't want to have to buy Jill lunch for a month. If it was Viv or,"

"Daniëlle?" Alex rolled her eyes.

"Stop." I grabbed her hand. "We talked about this."

"I don't like the way she looks at you." I rolled my eyes. "Nat. I'm being serious. That girl's in love with you or something." 

"Even if she is what's the problem?"

"The problem is, you're MINE. Not hers."

"Get this right, Alex. I'm NO ONE'S." I walked away from her.

"See? This is EXACTLY why you aren't going back to England."

"Are you still going on about this?"

"I need you by my side at all times."

"You need to get over it! I play for Arsenal now! Pick a new fight."

"There is no fight, Natalia. You're leaving Arsenal. End of discussion."

"The only thing I'm leaving is you. Bye." I walked away. 

August 2020

Daniëlle's POV:

"Back at Arsenal!" Jill smiled. "We're back!" 

We saw Natalia.

"Nat!" Jill yelled. She kept walking. "Nat come here!" Nat turned to us and stopped. "You owe me lunch loser!! Bronze medal what up!"

Nat nodded. "Ok." She kept walking.

"That's weird." Jill said. 

I ran toward her. "Hey."

"Leave me alone, Daniëlle." She said.

"What? No, hold on." I grabbed her hand.

"Let me go!"

"Ok!" I let go. "I'm sorry."

She looked down. "Just leave me alone. Please." She kept walking.

I watched her leave. "What was that about?" Viv asked.

"I don't know." I looked at her. "We have to find out."

"Let's get to work." Lisa walked up. "Our friend needs help."

And we're going to help her.

Whether she wants it or not. 

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