Be Honest

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HELLO! I finished 1 part of my paper! I'll finish the second part of it tomorrow, aka the due date! But I just finished this and thought you guys have waited long enough! 

Mapi/Mariana sequel updating tomorrow, another Jenni/Alexia update tomorrow as well. Depending on how long it takes me to finish my assignment AND write those other updates, I MIGHT update this tomorrow or it will happen on Monday. We'll see.

I know that Spain are playing in SheBelieves this year but in the International storyline, they played in the Algarve Cup and won it. If you didn't know that go read International RIGHT now.

It's an adorable story.

And some people from there WILL be arriving into this story NOW!


This is English

This is Spanish

This is Portuguese

This is Italian

Everyone good?



March 2020

Natalia's POV:

"Welcome to Portugal." 

I looked at Lisa. "This is going to be a fun tournament." I smiled.

"I'm happy you got called in." 

"Me too." I laughed. 

We got settled in and got to work right away.

On our day off we went out to explore Portugal.

"Sorry!" I said when I crashed into someone. 

"It's ok." The girl looked at me. She had a Portugal training top on.

"I don't understand you." I said.

She looked at her friends. 

"What do you speak?" One said. 

"English, Italian, and Spanish." I answered.

"She speaks Spanish."

"You speak Spanish." I nodded. "Ok." She smiled. "You are Italian?"


"Good luck in the tournament."

"Thanks. You too?"

"Mariana." She shook my hand.

"I'm Natalia."

We talked with them and then got on our way. "They were nice." 

I nodded. "They were. Hope we see them again."

Daniëlle's POV:

"How's Beth?" Viv asked.

"Beth? What about Natalia? Did I miss something?" Sari asked.

"Natalia has a girlfriend." Viv answered. "And Beth has had a crush on Daniëlle for a long time."

"Aww. So you and Natalia?"

"Friends." I nodded. "We're friends."

"You want to be more though." Lieke said.

"I did but I'm over it. I'm with Beth now." I smiled. "And I'm happy. Natalia is happy too."

"Keep telling yourself that." 

April 2020

Natalia's POV:

"Welcome back!" Jill screamed. "How was Portugal?"

"We lost."

"So it sucked?"

"It's a beautiful country. We just lost."

"So you suck?"

"I'm going to punch you." 

"Not even 5 minutes and she's already going to punch you." I turned and saw Daan and Beth. I looked down and they were holding hands. "New record for you."

"Quiet." Jill said. "I'm just messing around." She walked away. 

"Look at you two." I crossed my arms. "Everything all good in couple land?"

Beth laughed. "It's good. How about you?"

"I don't know. We haven't really talked much. Busy and everything. Enough about me though. Its time to get back to the league! Let's go!" 

Daniëlle's POV:

"Hold on I forgot my shinguards!" I ran back to the locker room.

"Alex, are you kidding me?" I stopped and listened to Natalia. "Are you still mad about me being in England? Get over it Alex. Seriously." 

I opened the door and walked in.

"I haven't done anything wrong! Don't try to put this on me." 

I grabbed my shinguards and headed to the door. 

I heard her sigh and turned around. "Everything ok?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Can you tell them I'm not going to practice today?" 

I nodded. "Can you talk to me first?" I sat next to her. "What's going on?"

She sighed. "Alex. She's still upset that I came to England instead of France."

"Was France an option?"

"Yeah. PSG offered me a spot but I turned it down first." She leaned back. "1 year contract. Starting spot not guaranteed. I wanted game time. I wanted to grow as a player. Spain would've been cool too, but for some reason. Something was telling me to come to England and play for Arsenal."

I looked at her. "I don't want to get involved because it's not my relationship, but Alex needs to support you. It's over and done with. You're not upset with her for going to France, why can't she be happy for you? You're happy for her."

"Alex is the jealous type. I'm either with her or I'm gone. That's part of the big reasons I wanted to leave Italy." She looked at me. "Go back to how my life was before Alex." She shrugged. "But I can't do that when she calls me every hour to get mad about me not being by her side every second."

"That's not healthy, Nat." I whispered. "That's toxic. She's trying to control you, and you did the right thing. Leave and put some distance between you. Just stop and think for a minute. When you look ahead let's say, 6 months. Do you still see yourself with her?" 

She let out the breathe she was holding. "No. I don't."

"So why continue to put up with it? It's not healthy for either of you. Alex needs to realize that her behavior will result in her being lonely forever. And you need to realize that you deserve so much more than that. You, Natalia Garcia DeLuca are a queen. And you deserve to be treated as such. And until you find someone worthy of your greatness. Your teammates here at Arsenal will be with you every step of the way. I know what was calling you here. Love and safety." 

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"Before I left Italy, I thought about what I wanted for my life a year from that moment. I didn't want to be with Alex. I didn't want to be in Italy."

"So what did you want?"

She looked at me. "I wanted to be in England. With you."

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