Author's Note + Rants

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Probably you guys are bored with me saying hi in every author's note of my book. Since author's note means another new story 😂😅

And as you guys may have known, my hobby is creating another story while I have a pile of undone stories. This is a part of me I should be ashamed of, but I'm not sorry at all 🤣🤪

I have received quite many messages (some are polite, some are the otherwise) about how I should update the stories I haven't written in like.... weeks? Months? Well, I have expressly stated in my Bio, if I don't update means NO IDEA + BUSY. I'm sorry, but sometimes rude people just exist to ruin my mood on some days. Those people really make me want to stop writing.

I'm writing for free and it is my hobby. I have responsitibilities other than writing bl on wattpad. So, please, if you want to say something to me, BE NICE. Is it hard to talk nicely?

And, as for you guys who have been voting, commenting, and sending me nice messages despite some moodswings and rants... Thank you! Very much appreciated!

I will keep writing what I want, and on some bad days or busy days, I won't update. Believe me, responsibilities suckkkk.

So, If you find me updating new stories irritating, you can skip it hahah cos I'm not writing for your expectation.

Thank you.


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