"there's a lockdown!" o'neil protests as he and the two other officers raise their arms to prevent the doctors from getting past.

"i ordered the damn lockdown!" bailey argues. "fire in the hospital trumps rapist on the loose. they are cleared!"

"there's a rapist on the loose?" lia's eyes widen as the officers reluctantly let them past.

"where have you been?" bailey raises her brow.

■ ■ ■

"we have a multiple-alarm fire on floors five and six, from the service elevators east," firefighter carroll informs the staff gathered in front of her, whilst she stands on the main staircase with bailey and richard on either side of her, and lia just behind. "and we are concerned about the structural damage on that floor."

"we're diverting all incoming traumas," richard tells them.

"patients in immediate or impending danger need to be evacuated first," bailey instructs. "unaffected areas- the e.r, radiology, nursery, daycare- they stay put. we have to prioritise."

"firefighter carroll here will be directing you to the most urgent areas," richard gestures to carroll.

"yeah, and, uh, the woman with her arm in the air over there is dr. kepner," bailey points out april in the crowd. "she is setting up a holding area..?"

"outside by parking lot one," april reveals.

"by parking lot one," bailey reiterates. "take evacuated patients to her. she is in charge."

"and if you're patients can walk, they can transport themselves," lia adds.

"okay, thank you dr. webber," richard nods. "don't be a hero. okay? if they can walk, let them walk. carry the rest. the elevators are not working. do not try and use them."

"work fast but safe," bailey encourages, and the staff in front of her nod before dispersing.

"and our man's still at large, so we're maintaining security at the exits, and we're keeping active sweeps," o'neil tells bailey.

"hmm. because just one hospital emergency wasn't enough..." bailey groans, looking up at the ceiling. "lord, don't make me have to tell catherine avery i burned her hospital to the ground."

■ ■ ■

"derek," lia calls as she's pushing a medicine cart down the hallway, which she then turns and gives to one of the nurses. "hey, take this to kepner outside. right away."

"i've been texting you," lia says as she then walks over to derek. "are you okay?"

"they're trying to contain it near the ccu," derek sighs. "but i heard it spread to the o.r floor. i just figured i'd help with evac."

derek then walks off to help someone, which is when lia notices gary struggling to get through past the security.

"i'm legit, i swear!" gary argues.

"high alert in progress, sir," the officer informs him. "i need to see some i.d."

"i don't have it. my wife has my wallet," gary stresses. "our baby's upstairs for observation. please!"

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