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Thomas and Cora couldn't wait, and ran out of the car. Luca however was asleep after the long journey, so Derek rounded the car, and picked him up out his seat.

"Derek can we go in now?" he turned to see Thomas and Cora standing at the door impatiently, not wanting to be disrespectful and barge in.

"How about if you go in through the back gate" Derek pointed to the side gate that was open.

"They never left it open, unless they were expecting someone" Thomas remembered, to which Derek only gave a shrug.

"Come on Tommy" Cora rushed past the opened gate, and could be heard squealing.

"Think she's encountered a clown?" Thomas looked back at Derek, and they both chuckled.

They went ahead at a normal pace, entereing the back garden to see Cora in the biggest and tightest group hug ever.

"Forgot about me already" Thomas spoke up, which got them to look up.

"Oh my, look at you, so grown up" Melissa came running over and gave him a tight squeeze "I missed you all, so much"

"A little help Noah" Thomas waved his arms.

"Give the boy some air, honey" Noah chuckled, as he came over and gave the young boy a hug himself.

"Derek" she had a tear in her eye, all emotional "I am so happy you're here"

"Me too" he gave her a hug from the side, not wanting to squeeze Luca.

"Oh my, is this...?" she said quietly, not believing how big he's gotten.

"Yeah, trust me ain't always this quiet" Thomas cut into the conversation.

"He looks so much like you Derek" Noah said, he could only see half the boys face but he could tell the two boys were brothers.

"I believe he looks more like me" a voice from behind them said.

"Jacob!" Cora exclaimed, running into her oldest brothers arms.

"I haven't seen you guys in like a month, you got a boyfriend yet?" he asked his baby sister.

"Nahhh, Derek won't allow it" Cora whispered in Jacobs ear, to which he only nodded.

"What about you two knuckle heads, anyone special?" Jacob walked over to his brothers, pulling Thomas to his other side.

"You really think I got time whilst running after these lot" Derek scoffed with half a laugh.

"Don't lie, you love it" Thomas spoke, giving Derek a punch in the side of the arm.

"It's like being a babysitter...only I can't leave at the end of the night, and I don't get paid for it" Derek shook his head, but he couldn't complain, he would do it time and time again. Just as that was said Luca began to stir in his arms.

"Derek?" Luca murmured, still half asleep.

"Oh my, I need my little snuggles" was all Melissa said before taking Luca from Derek.

He looked over at Noah, who gave him a kind smile and a nod. "Hey, um can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure kid, anything" Derek walked beside Noah, moving them away from everyone else

"Look, I'm sorry for disappearing on you all, and not visiting" Derek apologised to the man.

"Hey, there's no need to" Noah gave him a reassuring smile "You went through so much that year, I don't blame you at all, you had to take the responsibility"

"I just couldn't come back knowing I'd see him" Derek confessed, looking at his feet, avoiding eye contact.

"I understand Derek, you needed a change" he placed a hand on Derek's shoulder and gave it a squeeze "Have you um...talked to him at all?"

"We haven't talked since that night" Derek answered guiltily, he feels bad for how long it's gone on for, without reaching out to the boy.

"Well...today may be the day you're gonna have to suck it up" Noah said quietly.

"Why's that?" Derek began getting all nervous and worried for what was to come.

"It's his end of year break" Noah said.

"So he's gonna...he'll be here?" Derek couldn't form a proper sentence.

"Yeah, in an hour maybe" Noah said, scratching the back of his head, as he walked off.

"Shit" Derek mumbled to himself.
Derek had been trying to distract himself for the past hour, trying to forget about how he's going to see him not long from now. But then he heard it, that voice, his voice.

"Hey dad, how's it been?" the boy asker, as he pulled his father in for a tight hug.

"Not bad, glad to have you home" he replied to his son, patting him on the back, before pulling back.

"So, what you got planned for to-" he stopped in the doorway and stared at the individuals outside. But he locked gazes with the one he thought he'd be with forever and whispered his name.

Puplished~ May 16, 20220

I feel like I'm getting even worse at writing as time goes on, obviously being an author isn't my calling.

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