2~A Beacon

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I know it's been a few days and I just want to apologise for keeping you all waiting, and I don't have an excuse except for what I've told you all before. But anyways hope you all like this one, enjoy.💋

Just to let you all know the next few chapters are going to follow the story of what happened after Stiles was shot.
"Derek I gotta talk with you" Scott said as he came to sit beside Derek "It's important" he said when Derek didn't answer

"What could be more important than Stiles fighting for his life"

"The fact that he was dead, and you brought him back with a single touch" Scott whispered "I mean I've heard about certain wolves having powers, but nothing like what you did"

"I'm not even a werewolf" Derek spoke

"Then how do you explain what happened?" Derek kept his head down, because honestly he didn't know what happened, and how he did it "He was dead Derek, his heart stopped-" Scott was cut off by the doctor from earlier walking up to them

"How he is? Is he awake?" Noah asked standing up abruptly

"He is not, but he's stable so you may see him now" the doctor said leading them to Stiles' room "Are you all family?" they all looked at Derek

"Yes we are" Melissa answered before anyone said the wrong thing, he opened the door for them and gestured for them to go in, they all took steady steps not sure if they are ready for what's around the corner "Oh honey" she said instantly the second she saw Stiles lying unconscious in the bed

"It's my fault" Derek spoke up "If he...if I never...he wouldn't have-"

"Derek it's not your fault" Scott said resting his hand on Derek's shoulder

"It is, I let him leave, I should have gone instead" Derek took a quick look at Stiles before turning around and heading the other direction
Derek made his way to the third floor and bursted through the door to a room he hasn't been to in a while

"Hi, mum" Derek said sitting down in the seat beside his mum, taking her hand in his "I know it's been a while since I last came here, but there's been a lot going on lately, things that need explaining, so if you could wake up I'd really appreciate it" he took a second to see if anything would happen "I deal with all this Supernatural bullshit and there's nothing where you can communicate with me, come on use your shit magic and talk to me"

"What have I said about using such language" a woman's voice said causing Derek to stumble back in his chair falling onto his back, he looked up to see a very alive version of his mother, he then quickly looked at the bed to see his mother was very much still unconscious

"Who are you?" Derek said, his voice full of uncertainty "Why do you look like my mother?"

"It's me Derek" Talia took a step forward resulting in Derek taking over back

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because you're my son, and I really need to speak with you, aren't you the one that wanted to talk?" she asked referring to Derek's words "Derek, it's me" he didn't know why that single sentence made an impact on him but it did

"Mum" Derek cried as he threw his arms around his mother's shoulders "How are you here?"

"Supernatural bullshit" she said referring to her sons words once again

"I miss you so much" Derek cried into his mother's embrace

"I miss you too, all of you" she said pulling back gently wiping away the tears making their way down Derek's cheek

"We need you back, please" Derek begged

"I know, but it's not possible yet"

"What do you mean yet?" Derek asked "What do you mean by yet mum?" He asked for a second time when she wasn't answering

"You're not...you all haven't...changed" she whispered the last part

"You mean we haven't gotten our wolf fighting abilities since they were taken from us"

"So you know about that?" Talia looked down slightly ashamed

"Know about it? Know about it? I've been living it for the past month or so" Derek raged his eyes glistening a slight gold for a second

"Derek!!" His mother exclaimed

"What now??"

"Your eyes they...their exactly like a..." Derek awaited for her answer for quite some time before finally she spoke "Like a werewolf Derek"

"But that's not possible, cause if I was one the other four would also be feeling the effects right about now"


"Yeah" Derek smiled "You know Jacob; the son who you thought was dead so you did some of your voodoo crap, Thomas and Cora; who have been alive this whole time. And then the precious baby boy; Luca"

"Baby boy?"

"Yeah, you should have seen Cora's reaction" Derek smiled as he remembered back to that point

"Where's he now?"

"He's at home, Jacob took the three home" Derek explained

Suddenly his head began to feel like it was on fire and he fell to his knees pulling on his hair

"Derek!!" Talia exclaimed falling to her knees beside her son "Derek you need to listen" she said holding his head up

"It hurts so much" Derek screamed, he looked at the floor to see that there was blood, and it was dripping from his nose "What's happening to me?!"

"It's the magic, it's wearing off, which means you need to listen to what I have got to say" Derek aggressively nodded his head "There's a large tree stump in the middle of the woods here, it's called the Nematon, and it acts like a beacon for supernatural beings, it's what can give you all your power back, please Derek you need to get there before it's too lat-"

And before Derek knew it he was awakening from the ground, he looked around to see he was still in his mother's hospital room. He jamp up and saw that she was still very much in a coma, and didn't look like she was waking up anytime soon.

The fiery pain came to Derek again as a memory played back in his mind

"Stiles are we almost there cause we've been walking forever and there's no one around" Derek said, he had been dragged through town, up some hill, and now he was in a forest with only Stiles as a suspect if anything happens.

"Can you be a little patient" Stiles said "See were almost there I can see it"

"See what? All I can see are a bunch of tree's" Derek said looking around, he looked to his left and through some trees and saw this huge tree trunk, he didn't what it was but there was something about it that made him want to walk forward. All of a sudden a rush came over him, it was like when two people touch and have an electric shock, but stronger.

"What's right in front of you" Stiles said pulling Derek away from his trance
Published~ January 18, 2019

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