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"We're back" Derek sang entering the house

"Derek" he heard Cora yell as her feet tapped against the wooden floors, Derek shut the door as arms came in contact around his waist "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" Derek got down to her level and left a trail of kisses all over her face, causing her to giggle

"Has Luca learnt how to say my name yet?" She asked as she looked down at her little brother who was asleep in his car seat

"Almost, I bet that he'll be screaming your name by the end of the week" Derek said to which Cora smiled, he picked up the car seat whilst Cora dragged them along to the living room "Where is everyone?" he asked looking around to see that the place was quieter than he remembered

"Outside" she said pointing to back garden, Derek made his way to the back to see everyone was there, Noah along with Melissa who were laughing as they tried to work the barbecue, Allison and Lydia were even there; talking with Jacob.

"I knew I smelt wet dog" was the first thing Jacob said as he saw Derek standing in the doorway "Come here little brother" he made his way over to his older brother and embraced him in a hug

"Hey, how've you been?" Derek asked

"I've been good, yeah, you'd never think it'd be that hard to find a permanent job for a guy who's been "dead" for a couple years" Jacob said using finger quotes

"Yeah well, that's what you get for dying on us so soon" Derek said punching him in the shoulder

Derek went around, getting hugs and hello's from everyone that was there, and chatted with them when he realised that there was someone missing.

"Where's Thomas?" as he asked that his little brother came running into the garden through the side gate with a football in his hands, a few seconds later two older boys came running in and took him down to the ground.

"Ugh that's not fair, you're a true alpha" Thomas exclaimed, but Derek could tell he was kidding with the smile on his face

"Which mean that I have no Supernatural advantage like the both of you, but still got you down" the voice Derek had been longing to hear in person all the months they were separated said

Derek smiled as Stiles stood up, holding his arm out for Thomas to take, leaving Scott to stand himself.

"Thanks for the hand mate" Scott joked rubbing his hands over the grass stains that had marked his sleeves

"No welcome home hug?" Derek said as he looked at the three boys, he looked straight at Stiles as he said this, only Thomas was the first to run into his arms "Hey buddy" he looked down at Thomas and rubbed circles in the back of his head

"You stink like shit" Derek laughed at that, he knew he should be telling him off for using that language but he let it slide, just that once. Thomas pulled back and looked to the side to see Luca and ran over to him, leaving Derek standing there.

Stiles and Derek didn't waste anymore of their time before they embraced, Stiles arms around Derek's neck, whilst his was around Stiles' waist. It was just as Derek remembered, he always felt warm, and safe when he was with Stiles, like nothing could touch them.

"I missed you so much, you don't understand" Stiles said hiding his face in the crook of Derek's neck

"Trust me I do" Derek laughed placing a kiss to the side of Stiles head, and the short, and soft ones on his lips "I love you" he said breathlessly

"I love you too" Stiles replied, his smile brighter than it has been in months, they stayed there with their foreheads touching for a few more seconds, just taking in the moment before Stiles spoke "As much as I missed you, you aren't the only important guy in my life"

Derek smiled as Stiles made his way over to Jacob who had Luca in his arms. The second the little boy saw who was in front of him he held out his arms, recognising the boy instantly.

"Ugh, you've gotten heavy mister" Stiles said as he picked him up and grunted "But you still have those chubby cheeks that I love so much" he spoke in his sweet baby voice as he squeezed one of Luca's cheeks gently making him giggle

Derek watched from a distance and smiled, it might not be your typical family, but it was his, and he loves it.
Published~March 30, 2019

Sorry guys!! I know this is extremely late, and probably not the best chapter, I've got some really bad writers block this time. So I'm asking you if you have any ideas for the next few chapters as they are on spring break? Xx

Sterek ~ A Second Chance (Sequel to Last Breath) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now