29~Second Chance

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A few years later
"Guys hurry up you're gonna be late for school" Derek yelled upstairs as he zipped up Luca's lunchbox after stuffing it with some last minute food preparations, Derek rushed to the front door to see all the shoes still on the shoe rack untouched from yesterday "Guys!!" he yelled.

"We're coming god" Thomas yelled making his way downstairs with his headphones around his neck, Luca taking step by step with his small legs.

"Where's our sister?" Derek asked, which only got him a shrug reply from Thomas "Go to the car" he instructed Thomas giving him the keys, telling Luca to go with him.

He ran up the stairs, tripping over the laundry basket as he made his way over to her room.

"Cora" Derek banged on the door, when she didn't answer he pushed the door open to see her sitting on the floor in front of her mirror putting on a dark shade of lipstick "What is this?" Derek asked taking it away from her examining her face closely.

"Uh lipstick" she answered sarcastically.

"I know that, and don't you dare say 'then why did you ask?'" Derek pointed a finger at her, throwing the lipstick on the ground "You're not supposed to be wearing lipstick" he said as he made her stand up as he wiped off her attempt of a red lip.

"I'm almost 12 Derek" she pushed his arm away, taking the wipe from him, removing the rest of it herself, picking up her bag and exiting the room.

"Where did you even get all that stuff?" Derek asked as he stormed after her, as he recalled back to the bag of makeup he saw on the floor beside her.

"Nowhere" she said picking up her lunch money from the cup that Derek puts money in every night for them.

"Well you had to have gotten it somewhere Cora" Derek exclaimed, not understanding why she wouldn't tell him, it's just a simple question, Derek tried to cool off between the time he had to lock the door, and make his way over to the car.

"What the hell are you two arguing about now?" Thomas made it sound like they argue all the time, which in fact they do not.

"Do you know where she got all that makeup from?" Derek asked hoping to get an answer from him this time.

"You don't get to wear makeup" Thomas turned to look at her in the back seat, having the same reaction as Derek had.

"That's what I said" Derek looked at the time to see that they were gonna be really late if he didn't start now, he turned the keys in the ignition and he pulled out of the driveway.

"There's no reason for you to know, it's not important" Cora said.

"Well it clearly is telling how hard you're trying to keep it a secret" Derek tried to be calm, as he was in the drivers seat.

"I took it from Melissa last week, okay" she huffed, looking out the window in defeat.

"We're talking about this later" Derek told her, he had no time to get into an argument right now.
Derek was glad he had today off, cause he was knackered, and needed some sleep. As he was walking upstairs to head to his room, he heard movement behind the door.

"You coming in, or you gonna keep me waiting?" Stiles' voice came from inside the room, an immediate smile forming on Derek's lips.

Derek opened the door, and saw his beautiful beautiful boyfriend in a towel, leaning against the bathroom doorway.

"Hey beautiful" Derek said, approaching Stiles, wrapping his arms around the boys waist.

"Hi" Stiles leaned forward, receiving a slow, but passionate kiss "I missed you" he rested his forehead against Derek's.

Sterek ~ A Second Chance (Sequel to Last Breath) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now