7~Louder Than Words

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I just realised that I posted the wrong part on Saturday, this is the part that is supposed to come first, everything that happens in the part is before they graduate. Sorry for the mix up, xxx.
It has been an entire month since Talia Hale's passing, and her kids seem to be getting better, and fighting off any grief they have left.

They'd learnt that Derek is on his way to be an almost, pretty much, in control werewolf. Cora's powers had somehow kicked in just by being near the Nemeton, and she's taken on the role of princess werewolf. Thomas has said he wanted his ability back so he can defend others around him. And Jacob, well Jacob has said that he no longer wants to be Supernatural. And as for baby Luca, his powers will kick in on his own, since he was born and his power wasn't drained from him.

"Morning" Derek heard Stiles say from the doorway that morning when he stirred awake, he opened his eyes and smiled at his boyfriend who was just staring at him

"What?" Derek asked sitting up

"Nothing" Stiles said taking Derek's hands in his as he came to sit beside him "I'm just happy to see you smiling" Derek's smile became even brighter at that, he leaned forward and planted a soft but very much needed kiss onto his boyfriend's lips

"Why don't we all go out" Derek suggested pulling back from the kiss

"Derek you haven't as so much looked outside" Stiles said

"I know but...I'm the big brother right, and someone told me recently that I gotta start acting like myself again, well this is me trying to do that" Derek said softly


"You know I'm proud of you for today" Stiles said as they walked the streets, Thomas and Cora walking ahead of them, and Luca in his pram; which Derek was pushing

"Why? What'd I do?" Derek asked, not understanding what he'd done to make his boyfriend proud

"Firstly, you smiled for them" Stiles said directing his gaze to the two ahead of them "You took your wall down, and you became the old you that I love"

"What?!" Derek stopped dead in his tracks at what Stiles said "What'd you say just then?"

"That you took your wall down?"

"No, no, after that" Derek said gesturing with his hands, Stiles smiled at Derek's awkwardness

"Oh, you must be thinking about the part where I said that I love you" Stiles said pretending he just had a realisation, he smiled brightly then his face turned serious "Cause I do Derek, I love you" Derek surged forward catching Stiles in a bruising kiss, he rested his forehead against Stiles' and whispered;

"I love you too"


"Derek a letter has come through the mail for you" Melissa called upstairs to Derek, he made his way down the stairs and picked up all the mail on the table to see that there was one with his name on it, Derek ripped open the brown envelope to see that there was a logo for NYU, he looked around to see if anyone was around and pulled the letter out even more

Dear Derek Hale
Congratulations! It is with my honour and great pleasure that I offer you admission to the NYU class of 2019.

"What's that smile you've got?" Stiles asked coming up behind Derek as he saw his boyfriend's smile in the mirror

"What?! It's nothing!!" Derek exclaimed as he scrambled to hide the letter behind his back as he turned to look at Stiles

"Is that so...." Stiles said sweetly as he leaned in kissing his boyfriend on the lips, he quickly snaked his arm around Derek's back and grabbed the paper he was hiding

"Stiles no!" Derek fought to get it back but Stiles turned his back to Derek and kept pushing him back, Derek knew he could have used his newfound strength but by the time he'd thought of that Stiles was turning back around to look at Derek with a shocked look on his face

"Is this?" Stiles asked holding the letter up

"Yeah" Derek shrugged his shoulders shyly, Stiles didn't waste anymore time before he closed the gap between him and Derek and engulfed him in a hug

"I'm so proud of you, you deserve this more than anyone" Stiles whispered against Derek's neck, but he still heard him "So I guess you're moving" Stiles said as he and Derek walked into Stiles' room to get more privacy to talk about the subject

"Don't put all this on me, you're moving too remember" Derek said

"Yeah but you got a scholarship you can't really turn that down, you have a reason to go" Stiles said as he sat down on the bed

"What, and you wanting to be in the FBI isn't a good enough reason to leave Beacon Hills?" Derek asked as he sat beside Stiles

"I know it's just, I just guess I'm gonna miss you" Stiles frowned as he looked down at his hands

"You guess?" Derek asked acting offended

"I'm sorry" Stiles laughed "I am going to miss you"

"I'll miss you too but....we'll only be a few hours away, 1 hour by plane, 8 hours by car, 126 by foot" Derek stated

"You've already planned all this haven't you" Stiles laughed again

"Yep" Derek smiled "You know how much I love you right" Derek stated

"Of course I do Derek" Stiles pulled back to look at Derek "And I love you, possibly more" he smiled

"Not possible" Derek cracked a smile before he turned serious "I just wanted you to know that, and no matter the space between us we're always going to come back to each other, right?" Stiles pulled Derek in and held him as tight as he could, sometimes actions speak louder than words
Published~February 25, 2019

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