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A few days later Derek traveled back to Beacon Hills, California. He didn't have the strength to drive 42 hours, so he took the quick route of a 5 hour plane ride, with his little brother sitting on his lap. He was kind of like his safety blanket at this point.

"Why do we have to come to New York with you, I wanna stay here, with Noah and Melissa" Cora said miserable, as she dragged her suitcase to the front door.

"Because honey, I don't feel like you should be their responsibility any more, okay?" Derek said crouching down to her eye level.

"Thomas said it's because you broke up with Stiles, and you don't think Noah and Melissa want us here anymore, all because you broke his heart" she said with a quivering lip.

"No, that's not at all what it is" Derek said, brushing a piece of her hair from her face "We've relied on them for way too long, it's time I take care of you like I should"

"What about Jacob, can't we stay with him?" Cora asked.

"No Cora, you can't stay with Jacob" he told her, picking her suitcase off the floor and carrying out to put it in the car.

"Why not?" She followed Derek outside and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Because Cora" was all he said.

"That isn't a real answer, why can't we stay?" She pressed on.

"Just because okay Cora!" Derek yelled, surprising Cora-and Derek-he never yells, never loses his chill "Cora...I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" he didn't get to finish before Cora had a few stray tears and she was running back into the house.

"Why are you doing this?" A voice came from behind him, he turned around to see his big brother approaching.

"Doing what?" He asked, closing the trunk of the car.

"Taking them away from where they feel safe, and happy, and have friends"

"They can have all that in New York" Derek said, walking towards to house.

"They are already have all that...here" Jacob informed him, and followed him back out to the car as Derek loaded in Thomas' bag "You're erasing 2 more parental fingers in their life"

"I'm not doing anything" Derek gritted out, walking away from Jacob once again.

"Just because you're life went to shit, it doesn't give you the right to do the same to them" Jacob yelled, following Derek upstairs into his room.

"That's not what I'm doing" Derek told him, filling a bag with more clothes of Luca's.

"You don't want to admit it, but you're doing exactly what you did when Dad started beating us-"

"That man does not deserve to be called dad" Derek spat, turning around to glare at his older brother.

"Look" Jacob said, holding his arms up defensively "All I'm saying is you build everything up inside you, and you let it all boil until you can't take it anymore, you need to let it out now Derek, before it consumes you, especially now"

"What do you mean, especially now?" Derek threw the bag on the floor, and made the gap between them smaller.

"It was bad enough when you got angry as a human, and now you're a..." Jacob trailer off slowly, unable to say the word.

"You can't say it, can you?" Derek spat "Am I just some monster to you? And the other three, what do you think about them?"

"You're not a monster Derek, I've never thought of you as one either" Jacob assured him.

"Yeah, I bet that's the reason you didn't want to be like us, couldn't handle it!" He yelled out, his eyes flashing a bright golden-yellow colour.

"Derek, calm down" Jacob said slowly, taking a cautious step back, crashing into the wall when he couldn't back up anymore.

"I'm the only one who can take care of them at this time" Derek gritted his teeth, clinching his hands into fists, that ended up making his hands bleed from his claws digging into his skin.

"And what do you call Noah and Melissa looking after them whilst you've been gone? Are they not good enough or something now?" Jacob said, standing his ground.

"I just...I need-" Derek mumbled.

"What Derek, what do you need?" His brother spoke, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder to calm him down a bit.

"I need a distraction right now okay" Derek said, pulling back and rubbing his hand down his face "I don't know what to do with myself, I feel like I can't breath sometimes, I have too way too much free time, and I can't stop thinking about him" he sat down on the end of the bed he has in Melissa and Noah's house.

"You mean Stiles?" Jacob asked, sitting beside him "You know you can talk to me whenever you want, right?"

"I know, it's just...I ended it because we were drifting apart, and I didn't want it to lead to me hating him, so I thought if I did this then I would feel better...but I feel worse, I've never felt this kind of way before" Derek said, holding his chest where his heart is.

"You're heartbroken, it's normal" Jacob told him "It's going to take a while, but it will get better. I'm not saying it was a good idea what you did...but I'm not saying it was a bad one either..."

"What should I have done...kept on going for months, years...I thought what I did was the best I could do for the both of us at the time" Derek said, looking across at his big brother for some advice.

"Look, you're my brother and I support you through everything, no matter how stupid it is sometimes" he strung an arm over Derek's shoulder and pulled him in closer "I just want you to know that I'm always here for you" Derek gave him a nod, but it seemed like he was holding onto something, it lasted a few minutes before he blurted out.

"I can't handle having to see him when I come home to see all of you"

"That's why you really want them to come with you to New York?" Jacob asked, a look on his face saying that he now understands.

"Yeah, and I miss them...I hate having to go half a year without seeing them, I feel like I'm missing them grow up"

"I understand, when I came back I felt like an outsider" he began "You'd all changed so much whilst I was gone, I felt guilty for not fighting to come back sooner"

"There's no reason to feel guilty, I know what it was like with him, Michael made us feel defenceless" Derek gave a comforting smile to his brother.

"I know I've said this; but I am always here for you Derek, whenever you need to talk" Jacob returned the smile.

"Same" Derek said as his brother left the room, he turned around and gave a quick smile.
Published~November 7, 2019

I know its been a while since I've published a chapter, I've been extremely busy as I have started college, but I'll try not to use that as an excuse not to post.

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