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I know I haven't posted in over a month and I'm sorry for that, I'm in my last year of school and only have a few weeks left, and I have tons of exams starting from Tuesday. I hope I'll still be able to get chapters out to you all, but it might not be every week. I hope this chapter makes up for that. Xx
"Hey babe" Derek said coming up behind Stiles, placing his hands on his waist, Derek had seen that Stiles was on his own, sitting out a plate of food and he took that to his advantage

"Hi" Stiles said gently leaning his head back onto Derek's shoulder, Derek gave him a kiss on the temple and whispered in his ear

"Let's go upstairs" as he said this he slipped his hand round Stiles waist and down the waistband of his pants

"Derek" Stiles moaned as Derek's hand got closer to his growing bulge "We ca..an't" Stiles couldn't form a proper sentence, and his legs were going weak, just from a little touch

"I can't believe my room was given away to that rat" Derek complained as he walked out his old room which was now occupied with all of Thomas' things

"Don't be such a sourwolf" Stiles laughed taking hold of his hand and dragging him across to his room instead, as they entered everything seemed to be in the same place as before they left

"See your room seems perfectly fine" Derek said as he entered the room and looked around

"At least...." Stiles said slowly pushing himself up against Derek's back "now we get to share a bed" he wrapped his arms around Derek's waist, and let his hands explore Derek's chest, then down under the waistband of his jeans

Derek looked down at where Stiles' hands were traveling and smirked, he brought his hands up and placed them on top of Stiles, intertwining their fingers slightly. A soft warmth was placed against the back of Derek's neck, making him want nothing but to feel that feeling for the rest of time.

"Mhm" he hummed leaning his head to the side "What about-"

"Their all outside" Stiles said as he unbuckled Derek's belt from behind and zipped down his trousers "And I want you so bad"

That was all Derek needed to convince him, he spun around and picked Stiles up by the hips and threw him on the bed. He made sure the door was closed, not wanting a repeat of what happened last year with Scott. He crossed the room and crawled on top of Stiles, covering his mouth with his own. Stiles held Derek's waist pulling him down into him, as Derek worked on sliding off the boy's jeans. Once they were off he threw them on the ground, doing the same with his own not too long after.

"I've missed this" Stiles said out of breath biting Derek's bottom lip, separating as he pulled off his shirt, and then reuniting them once again.

"Me too" Derek reaches across to the bedside table and pulled out some lube "Can't believe you actually kept this here" Derek chuckled "Knowing who lives in this house, and likes to snoop around"

"Well it's still here so....shut up" Stiles trailed off bringing Derek back down for another kiss

(A/N; as you probably know I'm terrible at writing smut, and I always cut it off awkwardly, sorry for that)

Derek rolled off Stiles onto his back out of breath. It was quiet for a while until Stiles let out a small chuckle, Derek turned to look at him and smiled himself, he'd missed that sound.

"What's so funny?" Derek asked turning to lay on his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows to look down at Stiles

"I forgot how good we are at this" Stiles said pulling Derek down by his neck pressing a gentle kiss to his lips

"And it only took 5 months for you to admit that" Derek said crawling on top of Stiles, so he was between the boys legs

Stiles brought his hand up to Derek's face and caressed his cheek with his thumb, and over his lip.

"I love you so much" Stiles confessed

"I love you too, more than anything else in the entire world" Derek replied resting his forehead against Stiles' and gave him a slow, gentle kiss on "I can't wait to give you the world, to give you a life you've always wanted, a time where I will be able to call you my husband, and the father of our children"

"Where's all of this coming from?" He asked, but with a smile on his face, as he imagined their future together

"I've just realised these last 5 months that I can't live without you, and getting to come back home to you is all I ever want, you're everything to me Stiles" Derek admitted

"I know I've told you this, but I just love you so much, I love you more and more each day, especially when you say stuff like that" Stiles let out a small chuckle

"I love you too, and I can't stand being away from you, it kills me to think I'll be going back to New York without you by my side" Derek said

He was reminded of the terrible thoughts he had of splitting up with Stiles when they were apart, and he internally slapped himself for even thinking about that. He couldn't believe he ever thought about doing that, cause right now he was looking down at the boy he loved and he can't imagine having a future without him in it.

"Can we just stay like this forever?" Derek asked rested his head on Stiles bare chest, and snuggled into him as Stiles wrapped his arms around his body, providing warmth and comfort.

"I wouldn't have it any other way"
Published~May 4, 2019

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