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Sorry for the drastic time jump, I didn't know where to go with this story. I have a plan for the ending, but unsure for the fill in between.
3 years later

"Guys, I need to talk to you" Derek yelled upstairs, nervously walking back and forth.

"What's gotten you so fidgity early this morning?" Thomas' chuckled as he saw Derek pacing.

"I just...I need to run something by you both" Derek scratcjed the back of his head, and bit his lip.

"You got fleas or something?" Cora was not far behind Thomas, joining him on the sofa.

"No, I don't have fleas" Derek half laughed.

"You sure, cause with the inability to stay still, and the constant itching, I'd say otherwise" Thomas stated, with a smile on his face.

"Can you both just listen...for once" a splitting headache is what Derek is going to get out of this in the end.

"Well we're listening, you have the floor" Cora gestured, chuckling at her brother.

"Okay, well I kinda have some news, and you may not-"

"Can I have biscuits?" Luca ran into the room with a packet of biscuits in his hands.

"You're all gonna be the death of me" Derek took a deep breath and nodded "Just go to the other room, eat them there buddy"

"Well...we're waiting" Thomas spoke, lifting his feet onto the coffee table.

"As I was saying I got some news last week, and I was kinda expecting it, so I had to come up with a plan" Derek started slowly, working up to the news.

"Tommy, shut up" Cora slapped her brother when he started snoring.

"Thank you, this letter came last week in the mail" Derek said handing it to them.

"You failed your bar exam!" Cora exclamined, as she read the letter.

"Derek you need that to become a lawyer, what are we gonna do now, where are we gonna live!?" Thomas now started worrying.

"Calm down, like I said I knew this was going to happen" Derek told them to calm the both down "So I've been working on something, but didn't want to launch it, just incase I did pass"

"Please don't tell me we're gonna go live on the road, with the circus" Cora shivered, even thinking about clowns messed with her head.

"Or worse, you're gonna make us all drop out of school and get jobs" Tom was being a little over dramatic.

"If you let me finish, you'd know by now" Derek huffed, he waited for them to be quiet before carrying on "Of course taking care of you I had to have a back up plan, cause I needed the money. So I found this website, where you can start up your own business, and well I kinda went for it"

"Oh god, what have you done" Thomas groaned, thinking of all the worst possible outcomes.

"You know how I've always wanted to help people, no matter how I do it?" Derek asked them, and they nodded. "I decided to start up my own gym, and become a personal trainer"

"Huh, I'm sorry" Thomas leaned forward, unsure if he heard him.

"I said I'm gonna become a personal trainer"

"So, what you're trying to say is, you forgot about your stable, high paying job as a lawyer, and have decided to be someone who orders people to jump up and down" Thomas kept a calm voice, as he tried saying this.

"PT's make a decent amount of money Tom, they can get really successful if they have a lot of clients" Derek shushed Thomas from talking "Say I work 25 hours a week, and I get £25 an hour that's £500 a week, now that's not bad"

"Will you be able to get me new shoes with that money?" was all Cora was interested in.

"I mean yeah, but I can't just-" and of course he was cut off.

"Then I'm good, you do whatever you want Derek" Cora smiled at her older brother.

"Thank you, at least someone in this family is supportive" Derek crossed his arms over his chest, and looked directly at Thomas.

"Well, I'm sorry okay, I'm just trying to think about how you'll be able to afford everything" Thomas shared.

"Well what about you, you graduated 2 months ago" Derek stated "You don't wanna go to college yet, saying you'll think about next year, how about you get a job" he said, cause he was serious.

"Fine, I'll go find one, is that good enough for you" Thomas got off the sofa, and as he was about to step out the door, Derek called him back.

"Yeah um...maybe not find one in New York"

"Why not?"
"I cannot believe you made us live in New York for 3 years for northing, just to come back to California" Tom scoffed, as they drove down the road that entered Beacon Hills.

"I could've started my business back in New York, but I thought you'd all be happier here" Derek said with his authoritve voice he's picked up over the years.

"Well, I'm thankful to be anywhere" Cora said sweetly, a glint in her eye as Tom turned back in his seat to look at her, and scoffed.

"Where are we going anyways?" Tom asked, looking outside.

"I thought it would be nice to meet up with some old friends" just as Derek said that they pulled up into the all too familiar street.

"Wait is this...?" Thomas asked, as he started to remember the houses he saw outside.

"Welcome home" Derek said, pulling into the driveway of the place they felt safe, for the first time in ages.
Published~April 26, 2020

Sterek ~ A Second Chance (Sequel to Last Breath) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now