19~Goodbye Again

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I'm sorry I know it has been a really long time since I last updated this story and all I can say is that I have been extremely busy. But I hope this chapter makes up for it, hope you enjoyed. Xx
"You ready?" Derek asked with a sad tone, leaning against the doorframe.

"Yeah...I think I am" Stiles looked up at his boyfriend and smiled, he grabbed his suitcase and walked along side Derek down the stairs.

"Are you sure you don't need me to give you both a lift to the airport? I'm not leaving until tomorrow" Scott offered nicely, but the boys declined. They only wanted it to be them both and Luca.

They spent a good 10 minutes giving goodbye hugs, and promises to call the second they both land separately.

"Luca buddy...lets go" Derek called out to his little brother who was sitting on the sofa watching tv. The almost 2 year old boy came running in, arms in the air for Derek to pick him up.

"I'm going to miss you all so much" a teary eyed Melissa said for probably the 10th time, hugging all three boys in her tight hold.

"We're gonna miss you too" Stiles told her, laughing lightly at how long this hug had lasted "But we really have got to get going...don't really want to miss our flights" with one final squeeze she let go, giving each of them a sweet kiss on their cheeks.

They all watched them leave down the road in Derek's car, and closed the door with the realisation that the door won't be opened to see their faces for another 7 months.

It was a 2 hour journey to the airport, the young boy in the back had fallen asleep within the first 30 minutes of the car ride whilst watching an episode of his favourite tv show.

Derek and Stiles had little chats within the car ride there, their fingers were intertwined for most of the time to the airport.

"He snores just like you" Stiles looked across at Derek and chuckled.

"I do not snore" the way Derek said it made him sound genuinely offended by Stiles' statement.

"Tell that to a 3:00am me who is woken up by his boyfriend's foghorn" Stiles joked as they both fell into a fit of laughter.

A lot of the car ride was silent, no words needed to be said by either of them. Just sitting beside one another holding hands was enough.

Derek pulled into the airport car park and turned off the engine, both boys simultaneously looked across at each other.

"I'm really not looking forward for this" Derek stated as they got out and he got all the bags out of the back.

"I know, neither am I" Derek looked up to see Stiles picking up a sleepy Luca, letting his head rest on his shoulder.

"And I'm going to miss seeing this view every day" he said, not taking his gaze off of Stiles and Luca. He pictured how one day Stiles and him are going to have a family of their own.

Stiles rubbed Luca's back gently and gave him a kiss on the head, and looked up at Derek. "I'm gonna miss holding him in my arms at night, whenever I can't sleep, and I'm gonna miss you not being there by my side"

"I am always going to be by your side" Derek brought Stiles in for a hug, being gentle to not wake up his brother.

"I love you Derek, more than anything in my entire life" Stiles buried his head into the crook of Derek's neck, one of his arms around his waist.

"I love you too, so much" Derek pulled back, holding Stiles' head in his palms and leaned forward, pressing his lips to his forehead, letting the kiss linger for a second.

Stiles pulled himself together, as Derek rubbed the tears that were falling down his face. "I'll see you in seven months, the both of you" Stiles said handing the little boy over to Derek, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

"Seven months" Derek repeated, the last touch they had of each other was the feeling on one another's hand in their own. Stiles walked towards South wing, and Derek and Luca went to the West wing.
Derek walked up to dorm room door, he looked at Luca's face to see a smile on the young boy's face, he must recognise where they are.

"Knock, knock" Derek announced as he walked into the dorm.

"Omg" Erica yelled, jumping off the couch; where she was in the middle of having a conversation with both of her roommates.

"Good to see you" Derek chuckled as she barrelled into him, squeezing the living daylights out of him with her hug.

"I missed you so much" Erica stated, and as Derek was about to reply she took Luca from his arms and went into the kitchen and pulled out a few grapes from the fridge and handed them to Luca.

"Really Erica?" Derek asked.

"What? He loves them" she said, giving him another one as he was finishing them so fast.

"Okay, but not too much, I want him to eat his tea later" Derek stole the grape she was about to put in her mouth and ate it himself.

"Hey Derek, nice to see you again" one of Erica's roommates-Braeden her name was-said, caressing down Derek's arm slowly.

"Nice to see you too, Braeden" Derek said stepping away from her, knowing what her endgame was, and he wasn't going to end up there.

"How'd your break go?" Erica turned her focus onto Derek, wanting to know what he got up to.

"It was nice" Derek said simply, a smile making its way to his lips.

"And you and Stiles?" She asked slowly, knowing what that smile was for.

"Stronger than ever" he fumbled with his fingers, he always gets flushed and goes all quiet when he talks about Stiles with other people.

"Have I ever told you how how cheesy your relationship is, I feel like you fall more in love with him each day" Erica said sitting down on the kitchen stool, Luca in her lap playing with the rings on her fingers.

"That's because I do" Derek confessed "But enough about me, how's your love life going?" He asked, trying to take all the focus off of him.

"Non-existent" she said plainly.

"What about that Boyd guy that lives a few dorms down the hall?" Derek asked as he remembered back to how often she used to talk about the guy.

"Like a guy like him would go for a girl like me" Erica scoffed, laughing at how Derek thought they could even stand a chance together.

"Oh come on, have you seen yourself. Any guy who turns you down must be wrong in the head to not see what I see, you are beautiful, and any guy would be lucky to call you theirs" Derek tried to reassure her to his best abilities, cause he truly believed what he said.

"You think so?" She asked.

"Yeah I do, so you young lady are going to go down to dorm 106 and ask him on a date" Derek told her taking his little brother from her arms "Or coffee, it's something simple to get to know one another"

"What was your first date with Stiles?" Erica asked intrigued to know how her best friend and boyfriend got started.

"We never really had a first date, when we got together there was the whole werewolf thing, and then hell came and ruined our lives, plus Stiles almost died during it all" Derek listed the situations they've been through "We didn't really need a first date to get to know each other...I mean before we got together he took me to this lake and we just swam and asked each other questions"

"This is what I mean when I say that you both have a life like a movie...that is such a romantic movie scene"

"Yeah...he's great" Derek smiled subtly down at Luca, remembering the times where Stiles was there for him. He has always been by his side, ever since they met for the first time in that hospital.
Published~July 25, 2019

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