Nico Di Angelo x Ela Santos x Percy Jackson (I'm Not Giving Up On You) Part 1

Start from the beginning

"So you're not mad at Ela and I?"

"No, but I'm mad at Zeus. He said so himself that all he cares about is Ela's happiness and Ela is happy with me like I am with her. But because I'm Hades son he doesn't accept me being with her? That's crazy. I would do anything in my power to protect Ela and make her the most happiest girl in the world." I could hear the love in his voice as he was speaking.

"Nico, you know I would never do anything to come between you two. I can see how much you mean to her and how much she means to you. I know you'll do anything to protect her and make her happy, which you should do now. She needs you more than ever right now. Just before, she was going to knock on the cabin door, but then she didn't and she turned around and ran off. I saw a few tears running down her cheeks as she ran past me. Go find her and be with her. And don't worry, we'll do whatever it takes for Zeus to see that her happiness is with you. Now go." Nico didn't say anything, he just ran out of the cabin, in search of Ela.

End of POV

With tears running down my face, I made my way to my cabin, Zeus' cabin. As soon as I got to the cabin, I ran in, slammed the door behind me and plopped down on my bed, all the while with tears still streaming down my face. 'Why can't father just accept the fact that I love Nico and that's never going to change. He's the only one who can make me smile when I'm feeling down, makes me feel feelings I have never felt for anyone before, just by being there for me, it gives me the strength to carry on because I have him by my side and he is the reason that I live. Without my Ghost King, I'm nothing. I'm not going to let father ruin that for me and he can't force me to be with someone I don't love like the way I love Nico. I love Percy like he's my brother, that's how close we are and that's all it's going to be; a brother-sister relationship.' I thought to myself. 'I just wish father would see how much Nico means to me and how much I want to be with him and only him, no one else.' After a few silent moments, I heard knocking on the door. I quickly fixed up my clothes, my hair and wiped the tear stains from my cheeks. I then walked over to the door and when I answered, I saw Nico standing there. I couldn't help myself, I threw my arms around Nico's neck and hugged him tightly and said,

"Nico, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, you know I love you and only you. I would never ever think about cheating on you." I buried my head in his chest while apologising over and over again. I felt Nico wrap his hands around my waist and he placed his head in the crook of my neck.

"I know Ela, Percy told me what happened and I forgive you." We embraced each other for a few more minutes before pulling away from each other. Nico looked like he wanted to talk so I invited him in and we both walked over to my bed. Nico sat down then placed me on his lap while stroking my short black hair. The gesture had calmed me down and I found myself leaning into his chest, where I could hear his heartbeat. After a few peaceful moments, Nico decided to speak up,

"Ela, Percy explained to me what happened and I'm not mad at you or him, I'm mad at your father because he can't see that you're happy with me and not some other guy. Percy also told me that you were going to knock on my cabin door, but then you turned around and ran off, why?"

"Well, I was going to try and explain to you what had happened but just before I knocked, I heard the sounds of crying and it made me feel so guilty and broken hearted to know that I was the cause of it. You know I would never want to hurt you Nico, I love you too much and I don't ever want to let you go. You mean the world to me and I would give up everything if it meant that I don't have to lose you. I just wish my father would see."

"So would I, but because I'm Hades son he will never approve. But I won't let that stop me from being with you. I'm not going to lose another person who is special and important to me. I've already lost so much and I'm not going to lose you. You're the one bright light in my dark world. You're the light I need in my darkest hour and I would give up anything and everything just to be with you. I love you Ela."

"I love you to Nico." We looked into each other's eyes and begun to lean in. After a few seconds, our lips had collided with each other's in a slow and passionate kiss. I can still feel the sparks every time we kiss and it never gets old. It's a reminder to me that I have found my one true love and I'm not going to lose him. After kissing for a few minutes, we pulled away from each other and Nico placed his forehead on mine.

"I'm not going to give up on us Ela, I won't let your father tear us apart. I need you in my life. You're the only one who makes me feel this way and I cherish every moment we have together like it's going to be our last. If I lose you baby girl, my life would mean nothing."

"Oh Nico, you always know what to say to make that makes me feel special." I kissed him once again and then we laid down in my bed. Nico had his arms wrapped around my waist and I had my head placed on his chest. We just fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. Nico intertwined our fingers and he placed a feather light kiss upon my knuckles. I giggled at his actions and buried my head deeper into Nico's chest as a rare and genuine smile was shown on his face. 'This warmth, I only feel it when I'm with Nico. I don't want to ever lose it. I can't bear the thought of ever losing Nico. And this smile, I'm the only one who can get Nico to smile like that. It makes me feel special when I can do something like that.' I thought to myself.

Nico's POV

When I placed a feather light kiss upon Ela's knuckles, she giggled at my actions and then buried her head deeper into my chest and that caused a genuine smile to be placed upon my face. "Oh Ela, the things you make me feel, only you can ever make me feel this way.' I thought. I placed a kiss on her forehead and snuggled closer to her. 'This warmth, only you can make me feel.'


"What is is Nico?"

"I'm not going to give up on us, I'll do whatever it takes for us to be together. You may be forced to be with Percy, but that doesn't stop me from fighting for you. I'll always fight for you until the very end. I'll fight for you because I love you. I'll fight for you because I need you. I'll fight for you because I'm not giving up on you. I'm not backing down and I'm not going to let Zeus come between us. For as long as I love you, I have a reason to fight and carry on." I said with determination. All Ela did was hug me tight, which I gladly returned.

'I'm going to fight for you Ela and I'm going to win.'

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