Ander | Got This

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A/N: In this imagine Ander is straight.


"We need to talk."

Ander's head snapped up from his game. You should have probably used another approach because this one usually brings bad news.

"What's wrong?" He got up from the sofa and sat down with you on the bed.

"I don't know how to ease you into this so I'm just going to say it," you took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

"You have to get rid of it," he stated and got up, putting space between the two of you.

"What?" You were incredulous, "We're not even going to talk about it? You're just spitting words without hearing my opinion? Can you at least look at me? It's not like I did this all by myself!"

"You can't keep it!" He turned around but he didn't look mad, "I have leukemia. I'm going to die and you can't raise a child by yourself."

Your heart dropped and you slowly stood, "What?"

"I have leukemia," he whispered, "and I won't be there to help you."

His eyes were red and blurred by tears. You shook your head while your tears rolled down your cheeks. He engulfed you in a big hug and you cried in his arms while he apologized. But it wasn't his fault. It was life that was unfair to you.

"You have to abort it, y/n," he told you.

You pushed away in a swift motion, "No! I won't let go of this baby because it's the symbol of our love. You will make it, Ander, you're strong."

"I'm not that strong," he cupped your face, "I wouldn't ask that if I wasn't sick but I am and we have to act accordingly. And abortion is your best choice."

"I said no!" You pushed him away again, "If this baby's all I'll have from you then so be it. But I will not kill my baby. I know I'm young but I have people to help me."

"You're going to ruin your life! Y/n, you'll have other kids with a man who loves you when you'll be older. Do you think someone will take you with a kid that isn't theirs? A kid whose father died before he was born? A kid you had when you were still a kid?" He was getting mad, "You'll resent him soon and it won't do no good to you or him. You will be both unhappy and he will never feel loved."

"You don't mean that, you don't know what you're talking about," you shook your head and backed away, "I can't do this right now."

You turned around and left the room in a haste, expecting him to chase you and pull you back into his arms, kiss your shoulder and tell you everything's going to be fine. Just like he did every time you fought. But this time he didn't follow. You tripped a few times but hurried home, where you cried in your pillow for hours. You didn't expect the conversation to go this bad. You were ready to discuss your pregnancy with him, whether you would keep it or not, what to do and how to proceed. But you never imagined that he was hiding such a big secret. If you hadn't told him you were pregnant would he have told you about his sickness? You started to worry about him. He was going through a rough time and you had just made it worse. Now you felt bad. You needed to apologize and be more helpful. Your pregnancy could wait. Ander was in the first place. So you called his mother Azucena.


You entered the room and spotted your boyfriend lying on the chair with Guzmán by his side. When you reached them, the latter excused himself and gave you some privacy with Ander. Not that you could have much in a room full of people.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Being a supportive girlfriend," you sat down and intertwined your fingers, "We're in this together. I'm here and I won't let you alone. But why didn't you tell me before? And why does Guzmán know?"

"I didn't want you to pity me," he looked down.

"I wouldn't have!" You protested, "Anyway, what matters know is that you get better."

"What about you?" His eyes slid to your stomach.

"Don't stress about it," you smiled.

You went after Guzmán and found him by the vending machine.

"You could have told me, you idiot!" You slapped his arm.

"He made me promise I wouldn't," he shrugged, "But I hear you have a secret too. You know he's partly right."

You bought a pack of M&M's, "So he told you. Just so you know, I considered abortion, I was going to talk with him but he started getting mad and shouting nonsense and imposing me to get rid of it. And I got mad too. And he broke the news to me like that and like I told him, this baby is part of him too. I want there to be something of him that lives on if he..."

"He'll get better," Guzmán reassured you, "But I support you no matter what."

You nodded with a smile and together you went back to Ander. Weeks passed and Ander got better until he was finally cancer-free. Meanwhile, you looked at some brochures of abortion cliniques but you weren't so sure about it. You thought about it and if Ander didn't want the baby you would give it up for adoption. Anyway, you were already past three months and you couldn't have an abortion anymore. You did your best to hide the pregnancy from everyone with just Guzmán helping you out when you needed something. Your belly was showing a bit but it was nothing one of Ander's hoodies couldn't cover.

"You want to give our baby up for adoption?"

"I don't know, Ander," you put your hands over your face, "If you want to keep him, I'd be more than happy. But if you don't, then I'll be willing to give him up. You're the most important thing to me, so it's up to you I guess."

"We keep him," he uncovered your face. 

"We can do this," he pressed his lips to yours. 

"Together we got this."

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