Samuel | La Cabaña

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Working at La Cabaña was easy, it was even pleasant when you had such a nice co-worker as Samuel. You worked side by side and covered for each other when needed. It was actually there that you met Samuel and you developed a crush on him since the beginning. But you never had the chance to admit it to him, partly because you were scared, but mostly because of what he's been through with Marina. So, instead of ruining a beautiful friendship you bottled up your feelings and kept on being just his friend. It was better than nothing.

"Turn that frown upside down," you nudged him, "you'll scare the customers."

"Not in the mood today," he mumbled and turned away, not even sparing a glance at you.

It was the first time he was mean to you and you were taken aback. You decided to let him calm down and maybe talk to him before going home. It was a Monday night and there weren't many people in the diner and you kept busy even doing things that didn't really need to be done. A guy that already ordered a burger, now wanted a third beer.

"Thank you, dollface," he smirked and looked you up and down.

Turning away from him you saw Samuel staring, jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed. You raised an eyebrow at him, but his expression didn't change and you felt his eyes following you until you disappeared in the kitchen.

"Did he bother you? Do you want me to throw him out?"

"No, and no. But you can get rid of the trash away," you threw it at him without actually looking at him.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier," he apologized, "I guess I'm tired and stressed out... So, sorry, you didn't deserve that."

He scratched the back of his head and you looked up at him. He did look tired and nervous, on edge. You expression turned from hurt into one of concern.

"What's wrong, Samuel?"

He looked back into the diner and then at you, "Can I walk you home afterwards?"


Days after and the same customer was always at La Cabaña asking only for you. He didn't want to be served by Samuel or the other girl that occasionally worked with you. He insisted that you were a nice presence and put a smile on his face, but he was actually beginning to creep you out. You were sure you had seen him the same morning on your way to Las Encinas, and it wasn't just a coincidence of spotting him, but it looked like he was following you. You were probably paranoid, but it scared you. As for Samuel, he walked you home every night now and even offered to take you to and from school. Maybe this is why you became so suspicious, because he seemed to be on guard too.

"Dollface!" The man was drunk.

"Sir, I already told you it's closing time," you replied without looking at him but instead scouting the place for Samuel. He was closing up and you were waiting for him just outside.

"I don't want to order anything, I just want you," he smirked and came too close.

You backed from him until you hit the wall. He clamped a hand over your mouth to prevent you from screaming and leaned to whisper in your ear.

"Tell your boyfriend," he pressed a pocket knife on your neck, "that this is payback."

Your wide eyes watered and you tried pushing him away. As the blade cut into your soft skin, tears fell down your cheeks. Then the man was hit with a cane and fell to the ground. You leapt into Samuel's arms and hugged him tight, crying into his chest.

"I'm so, so sorry," he kissed the top of your head numerous times, "let's go before he wakes up."

You nodded and he intertwined your hands, "We need to get you to a hospital."

You shook your head, "Just take me home, please."

Your voice was barely audible, but he heard you and guided you swiftly towards your house, now and then checking that the man wasn't following you. When you arrived at the destination he asked if he could help you and you let him in. Your cut wasn't deep, but it still hurt and it bled a lot. You took the first aid kit from the bathroom and set it on your bed. You got rid of your shirt which was ruined now and dabbed at the wound with a cloth soaked in antiseptic. Then you saw Samuel in the mirror and, realizing you were standing in your bra in front of him, you blushed.

"You can go if you want."

"I want to stay if it's okay," he replied closing the distance between the two of you, standing behind you and looking in your eyes in the mirror, "I'm sorry, this is all my fault."

He wrapped his arm around your waist and your whole body lit on fire. You turned to face him and asked him to tell you why he was apologizing and what was going on. So, cleaning your cut, he told you everything: how he believed Polo was Marina's killer, that he knew Carla was involved, and how he ended up working for Rebeca's mother and how it eventually lead to that night.

"It's not really your fault then," you smiled.

He leaned in until your lips almost touched, "I've been wanting this for a long time now."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

He softly pressed his lips on yours, and what started as a delicate kiss quickly escalated into a passionate make out session. Samuel grabbed your thighs and lifted you up, then carried you to your bed. He dropped you on it gently and began peppering your collarbone and neck with wet kisses. By accident he nudged your wound and you hissed. He was on the verge of apologizing but you kissed him, cupping his face in your hand.

"I think we should go easy," he stared in your eyes, uncertainty lingering in his.

"Could you stay the night though?"

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