Nano | Your Shadow

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You had been paired with Polo for a school project, so you were currently in his living room, scanning the place and evaluating each valuable object. You were going to report back to your boyfriend because he needed the money to get out of trouble. Not that this wasn't yet another problem but it was minor in comparison to the life-threatening guys waiting for Nano at every corner.

"This is a lovely house," you further admired the decorations, "Your mothers did a really great job."

Polo smiled back at you, "Thank you, I will tell them you said that."

"I should get going, it's getting late," you grabbed your bag and he followed you to the door, "Thanks and good night, Polo."


"You told him, didn't you?" Samuel accused you as you sat down in the place beside him.

"What are you talking about?" You took out your books, avoiding his gaze.

"Polo's been robbed and my brother comes home with a lot of money. What a coincidence," he scoffed.

You glared at him and it was enough to confirm his doubts. He shook his head and ignored you for the rest of the day.


You were walking towards Nano's house when suddenly a guy grabbed you and pulled you into a dark alley.

"Look how pretty you are," his breath was on your face and you turned away, "Such a shame I have to hurt you."

Now you were scared, you knew these guys were dangerous. You tried reaching your phone but he grabbed your wrist painfully.

"Now, now. I wouldn't do that. You don't want me to kill you, do you?" He grinned.

You shook your head hastily and swallowed the lump in your throat. Your eyes widened when he took out a knife and started playing with it across your skin. Tears blurred your sight and you pleaded for your life but he just laughed in your face.

"Tell the son of a bitch that the amount of money doubled. What he gave us wasn't even nearly enough," he plunged the knife in your side and you screamed in pain.

He left you crying in the alley. You slid down the wall and pressed on your wound, the tears now streaming down your face. It hurt badly and you struggled to breathe normally. After a few minutes, you pushed yourself up, brushed a few strands of hair away from your face and slowly made your way to Nano's. At a certain, you saw Marina and you had to hide to avoid explaining to her what had happened. When you knocked on the door, Samuel was shocked and he yelled his brother's name, who came running. He scooped you up and you groaned in pain. He set you on the couch and cupped your face in his palms.

"Y/n, what happened?" His voice was full of concern and his eyes were scanning for injuries.

"They want more money," you whispered, "This is kind of a warning."

"We need to get her to the hospital!" Samuel interfered, "Nano, they stabbed her!"

"I know! Get the keys of the car," he told his brother then he kissed your forehead, "You're going to be fine."

The journey to the hospital was short but painful. Luckily they took you into emergencies. They administered you some morphine and treated the wound.

"You were lucky they didn't get your vitals," the doctor told you.

You were safe but the doctor advised you to stay the night so they could check the progress in the morning. Once the nurses cleared the space, your parents were the first ones to run into the room.

"My baby girl, what happened? Are you alright now? We were so scared!" Your mother cried while ingulfing you in a bear hug.

"Ugh, mom, it hurts, don't squish me so tight!"

"I'm sorry, y/n, I'm just so relieved you're alright!"

"Yeah, you scared the hell out of us. We're glad you're fine."

After pleading with them to let you talk to Nano alone, they finally agreed and Nano stepped in as they left the room.

"Lo siento, bebé," he intertwined your hands, "I never thought they'd go after you."

"It's not your fault, Nano," you caressed his face and he closed his eyes, "Don't blame yourself."

"You're too precious to be with someone like me. I'm going to ruin your life, I already am!"

"If you break up with me while I'm in a hospital bed, I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your life!" You threatened but then burst out laughing.

He smiled, "I couldn't. I love you too much."

"And I love you."

He leaned over you and kissed you. It was such a sweet kiss that it made you feel like a porcelain doll. You fell asleep while listening to his low voice and holding his hand. The next day you woke up to the voice of people talking next to you. Someone was holding your hand and you gladly realize it was still Nano. And he was talking to his brother, who was the first to see you wake up.

"Hey, y/n," he smiled.

"Good morning," you yawned.

"It's almost lunchtime, love," Nano kissed your forehead then turned to Samuel, "Go fetch a nurse."

He nodded and left you two alone. You squeezed Nano's hand and he squeezed yours back.

"Did you stay here the entire night?" He nodded and you scolded him, "You should've gone home, have some sleep."

"I slept here."

"That chair must be very uncomfortable for someone to sleep in it."

"Yes, it is, but it was worth it," he kissed your hand, "I'm not leaving you alone ever again. Not after what happened last night."


"No. What if they had killed you? What if they had done more damage? It's my job to protect you since I dragged you into this mess."

"So are you going to follow me around like a dog or what?" You joked, but his answer was serious.

"Laugh all you want, but yes, from now on I'll be your shadow."

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