Ander | Don't Leave

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A/N: In this imagine Ander is bisexual.


You were worried about the amount of time your boyfriend was spending with another guy doing God knows what. He wouldn't talk about it with you and doubts crept on you. You knew about his sexuality, so, was it possible that he was cheating on you?

"Hey, where are you? I'm already at th—"

"I can't make it," Ander interrupted you, "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you."


The line was silent for a minute and you heard a guy's voice asking if it was the girlfriend on the phone to which Ander just hummed in response.

"Look, I'll call you later. I gotta go."

He hung up before you could reply. You stared numbly at the phone hearing your heart break a little. In over two years of relationship, you had never skipped your weekly date. It was your secret to a healthy relationship: once a week it would be just about you and Ander — no friends, no phones, no intrusions. Last week Ander cut it short and today he broke that tradition. What hurt the most was the reason behind it — he'd rather spend time with someone else than with you. Did he get tired of you?

"Would you like to order?"

"Something strong," you answered with a sigh.

You spent the afternoon drinking, waiting for Ander's call. When you felt like throwing up, you decided to take a walk to sober up a bit. But you regretted your decision when you spotted Ander laughing with  Nadia's brother. You didn't feel the tears roll down your cheeks but you felt the anger rise. You started marching towards them but, in your drunken state with blurred eyes, you tripped and fell. Your cellphone tumbled into the ditch and you hit the surface resulting in scratches on your palms and left-sided cheek and chin. You pulled yourself into a sitting position, rested your back on the brickwork, and burst out crying. A small part of you hoped that your boyfriend would come to the rescue but that didn't happen. Instead, you stood there shivering until Guzmán found you.

"Y/N!" He pulled you up and into a hug, "We were so worried about you. What happened?"

You just shook your head. He put his jacket around you and called someone to pick you up. You didn't utter a word until your eyes met Ander's at your house. He strode towards you but you pushed him away.

"Get the fuck out of my house!"

"Who hurt you? What happ—"

"Like you care! Go have fun with your new friend. Or is he something more?"

"Are you talking about Omar?" He asked dumbfounded, "What does he have to do with whatever happened to you?"

"I don't care what his name is!" You threw your hands in the air, "You keep blowing me up for that guy. And you didn't answer my question."

"You can't be seriously mad!" He scoffed, "I can't be attached to you all the time."

"You're not spending any time with me anymore!"

"That's bullshit, I see you in school every day."

"Fine then, go have a relationship with him and I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school."

You strode past him and run to your room, locking the door behind you. What the hell was that? After a long shower and another round of crying, you went to sleep. The next day you woke up with red puffy eyes. So you wore sunglasses at school and tried to avoid Ander as much as possible. So far you succeeded. You arrived late so you didn't have to talk to him before classes; you sat near Guzmán and thanked him for helping you; you spent lunch break in the girls' restroom. You were waiting for your chauffeur to pull up when you felt a hand around your wrist.

"Let go of me!" You snatched your hand out of his grip, "You made it pretty clear that you don't want to be with me anymore. Now, stay away from me."

"I don't get why you're so mad."

"If you'd still love me, you'd understand why your actions hurt me so much."

"You cannot doubt my love for you just because I made a new friend!"

"The way I see it," the door of the car was opened for you, "He's not just a friend."

You left an angry and confused Ander by himself. You forced yourself not to cry anymore and decided you'd take a few days off school. Both of you needed to cool down. He needed to sort out his feeling and you needed to come to terms with your breakup. Neither could concentrate if you were around each other. 

"Take me to the train station," you instructed the driver and called your abuelita

You spent the weekend in Ronda with your grandmother and you even switched off your cellphone. The village was beautiful and it amazed you every time you visited and your grandma was an amazing person, she listened to you and always gave you good advice. Your time there took your mind off your problems but on Monday, as you walked down the corridors to Las Encinas you dreaded seeing Ander. You knew your peaceful state would be ruined by the sight of him. But mostly, you were scared to see him happy without you.

"You, bitch," you turned around to see Lu walking up to you, "You could've told me you were going away."

"It was an impromptu thing."

She was going to say something else but Ander interrupted and ask to talk to you privately. You looked at him and to your relief, he wasn't bursting with joy, which means he had missed you too.

"I wanted to apologize," he started as you leaned on a table, "I realized I was neglecting you."

"Apology accepted. Did you figure out your feelings for Omar?"

"I did," he shook his head, "He just felt like a break from the ordinary." You looked away clenching your teeth. "But I don't want him the way I want you. I wanted him around because... he supplied me with weed. And he is a good friend. But you're my girlfriend and I should have never told you the things I said. I'm really sorry," he cupped your face between his palms, "Please, don't leave me. I promise I will make it up to you. Just give me another chance."

You nodded and placed your lips on his in a sweet kiss. He could do you wrong a thousand times and, you knew, you'd take him back every single one.

Élite | ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora