Polo | Real Feelings

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You were dancing with Polo and even though you didn't win the trophy  — Marina did — you were happy. You were having a good time with your crush and everyone else seemed to let loose for a moment. No more fighting the scholarship students, no more fighting among the group. You twirled in your expensive dress without care.

You excused yourself for a moment to go to the ladies' room and you were held up by some girls that complimented your dress

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You excused yourself for a moment to go to the ladies' room and you were held up by some girls that complimented your dress. Back on the dance floor, you couldn't spot Polo so you asked Lu who told you she didn't know where he was. Neither the others knew. You wandered around the school until you heard talking from the swimming pools. As you approached there was a bang and everything went quiet. You pushed the door open and froze. Polo stood in front of a bleeding person. You were scared but your feet kept walking. He heard the click of your heels and turned around, dropping the trophy on the floor.

"Polo what did you do?" You asked quietly when you saw Marina.

"I— I didn't... mean to—" He stuttered, "Carla needed the watch."

"We have to get out of here," but he didn't move, "Polo, we have to go!"


The stunt you pulled went great. The inspector believed you. The day following Marina's death the police interrogated every single one of you but you and Polo, under Carla's guidance, had your story sorted out. You were asked why the two of you weren't wearing the same clothes and you told them that you had been home together and had made love, then your friends called you saying something terrible happened. That's why you came back to school and since there was no time to glam up you grabbed the first thing you could, which in your case were Polo's clothes. Yes, you had gone back to the dance wearing men's jeans and a T-shirt, and all for Polo's sake. The problem was not everyone believed you because people knew that Polo had just broken up with Carla and was still in love with her but he denied everything saying that if she could move on so quickly with Christian he would do so with me. Not that you didn't want to be with him, but you'd prefer if it was real.

You were doing your homework when you received the message.

'Can you come over, please?'

'I'm on my way.'

In less than ten minutes you were knocking on Polo's door. You heard a sob and opened the door. Polo sat on the edge of his bed and he was crying. You hurried inside closing the door behind you and hugged the boy. He hugged you and cried without saying anything but you knew he was feeling guilty about Marina. You let him release his pain and just held him close. Eventually, he fell asleep. This happened often. You were always ready to comfort him. He tried his best at school but he broke down at home. But one day, he lost it at school. You were looking frantically for him. You screamed when you saw his body floating in the pool. You didn't think before jumping in to save him. You struggled but managed to pull him out of the pool. You screamed for help and luckily Ander was nearby and heard you. Polo was taken to the hospital and you followed. A nurse gave you a blanket to keep warm and dry off while waiting for news. Once he was safe and awake, you pleaded the doctors to let you see him and only thanks to his powerful mothers they let you in.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" The tears fell without you eve realizing it, "You overdose and jump into a pool? Why? Why would you do that?"

You were angry with him because you thought you had lost him.

He sat up and murmured, "I'm a murderer."

"No, you're not," you sat on the bed and held his face in your hands so he'd look you in the eyes, "You are Polo Benavent. You're a good guy that would do anything to protect the people important to him. That's a trait to admire because you're loyal. You're sweet and nice and always polite. You're smart and funny. You're handsome and you're... you're the guy I have a huge crush on."

"You don't think I'm a monster?"

"Not even close."

"Is this another one of Carla's ideas?"

"I would never lie to you about my feelings," you closed your eyes and inhaled deeply, "You scared me so much."

He could see the hurt in your eyes and how genuine you were. Your voice wavered and tears wouldn't stop falling even though he kept wiping them away.

"Promise me you'll never do something like that again. Promise me, Polo!"

"I won't, I'm so sorry I made you cry."

You wanted to kiss him, you wanted to feel him, to know he was alive. But you something inside of you stopped you from doing it. You were afraid he wouldn't feel the same.

"Are you still worried?"

You let your hands slowly fall into your lap and looked away.

"I know you won't break your promise, but there's something else... I'm worried you don't believe me when I tell you that I have real feelings for you. I've had them before all this fake thing. I wanted this to be real, just like my feeling for you."

"I believe you."

"You do?"

"Of course. If you didn't love me, you wouldn't have helped in the first place when you found me there," you nodded along, "If you're wondering whether I feel the same, the answer is yes. You've been nothing but good to me and I fell for you."

You looked at him, caressing his cheek, and leaned in. He closed the gap between you and you shared a longing kiss.

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