Guzmán | Rainbow Flags

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After your twin – yes, twin even though you looked nothing alike – sister's death, your brother became too overprotective of you. He has always been given that you were the youngest of the three but now it was becoming a problem. You couldn't leave the house unsupervised, you had to go to school and come back home with him and you weren't allowed to spend time alone with anyone. He became your shadow. At first, you understood his concerns but it was becoming more and more annoying.

"I think we should get you a bodyguard."

"No! Look, I miss Marina too, but I'm not going to ruin the rest of my life because of what happened to her, Guzmán! I'm not her."

You had this kind of fight every day. You loved your brother more than anything, and you knew he loved you too, but he was such a pain in the ass. You slammed the door to your room and plopped down on the bed. You were not a stupid girl and you could take care of yourself. Marina was reckless and it got her killed. But you were not the same. You're always been more rational than your twin – even though she used to tease you saying you were a baby because you were born 8 minutes after her. You always preferred to think about the consequences and repercussions of your actions before doing anything rash. Whereas she was the eye of the storm, you were the calm that came afterward. You weren't boring, you just were more calculated. Every time she got into trouble, you were the one to get her out of it. But the mess with Nano was too big for you to solve. You had tried talking some sense into her but it was in vain.

"Come in."

Your door opened and Guzmán walked in, holding a bottle of champagne.

"I'm here to lift up your mood!"

"You're here to get me drunk!"

That was usually how you made up after your fights. You drank your sorrows away. He popped open the bottle and handed it to you. You took a big gulp then passed it back to him.

"There's a party tonight, you want to come?"

"Hell yeah! I haven't had real fun in a long time."

"Hey! This is fun! This is brother and sister bonding."

"Bonding? Probably. Fun? Not much."

"But you have to promise you'll stick around me."

"Even if I have to go pee?"

He pulled a face at you and you laughed. You drank discussing the terms for the impending night. Mostly, you bickered about what you were allowed to do and not. You dragged him out of your room when the bottle was empty. You wanted to put some effort into your look for the party, hoping to catch the attention of some hot guy or girl. You were bisexual but you hadn't told your brother yet. You didn't have the guts to tell him before Marina's death and after that, you didn't know how to and when to tell him. You didn't want him to believe that it was some side effect of losing your sister, that it was your way of coping with pain or whatever. So it had to wait a while longer.

After showering, you did a full face makeup and put on some extra highlighter and straightened your hair

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After showering, you did a full face makeup and put on some extra highlighter and straightened your hair. You put on a sequin dress to make sure you'd be noticed and paired it with a pair of nude heels. You did a twirl in front of your mirror and you were ready to go. When you joined your family in the living room, where Guzmán was waiting for you, there were different sounds of both approval and disapproval.

Your brother was the first to speak, "You're not coming with me dressed like that!"

"My sweet little girl is all grown up," your mother beamed.

"You look wonderful, sweetheart," your father complimented you.

You thanked your parents then turned to your brother, "Why not? Scared I'll steal all your thunder?"

"No, it's just... You have to cover up!"

"I'll put on a jacket if it makes you happier," you threw on your leather jacket, "Let's go, we don't want to be late."

You were so excited all the way to the club that you didn't pay any attention to a single word Guzmán said. Before getting out of the car, he grabbed your arm.

"I'm serious. No fucking around with strangers."

"So I can fuck your friends?" You smirked.

"They know better." He winked and you scoffed.

You followed him inside but then he let you go first so he can see your every move. You made a beeline for the bar and ordered a drink then headed to the dancefloor. You found Carla and had a quick chat. You were on your third drink when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist.

"Aren't you the most beautiful girl in the room?" A voice you recognized told you over the music.

You pushed Valerio off you, telling him you saw him flirting with Rebeca and failing and that you weren't falling for his games. In the ladies' room, you were fixing your lipgloss when Rebeca entered. You took a side glance at her and concluded that she was the only one who caught your eye tonight.

"Not into Valerio?" She leaned on the wall with her arms crossed.

"I could say the same about you."

"I had my eyes on someone else," she smirked and looked you up and down.

You strode to her and planted your lips to hers. She immediately kissed you back and pulled your body closer to hers.

"I should've hit on you sooner," she stated and you both laughed.

"Y/n! Y/n, are you in there?" Guzmán shouted over the music.

You cursed under your breath. You pushed through the doors and Rebeca followed.

"I'm fine, hermano," you said, "I was talking with Rebe."

"Correction: we were making out," she spoke and both you and your brother looked shocked at her.


"Why would you tell him that?!" You massaged your temples as you could feel Guzmán about to explode. "Rebeca, would you mind giving us a moment, please?"

"What the fuck was she talking about?"

"Remember when Ander told you he's gay?" He nodded and you spoke before he could, "No, I'm not lesbian. But I am bisexual. I have been for a long time but well you were not the most understanding person."

You thought he was about to throw a tantrum but instead, he smiled, "Should we buy one of those rainbow flags?"

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