April Fools Special

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This chapter is a preference: April Fools pranks you pull on them or they pull on you.

• Samuel:

"Why are you being so secretive?" You narrowed your eyes at him.

"I'm not," he put his phone away.

"Then let me see who were you texting with."

"My brother, he wanted to know if there is any beer home or if he needs to get more."

"Bullshit, Nano always comes home with beer whether or not there is any left."

"He didn't have much money this time."

"Then show me, Samuel. I'm sure it's not a problem to show me your conversation with your brother."

He took the phone in his hands and tried to archive a chat but you saw.

"All day you've been texting Rebeca?"

"We're fucking," he blurted out. He regretted it the moment he said it because you instantly started crying. He pulled you into his arms, "No no, hey, I'm joking. It was an April Fools prank. It was just supposed to make you jealous, not cry. Baby, I'm sorry."

"You don't play with my feelings, you idiot."

• Nano:

"Hey Marina, want to come over?"

"This is your girlfriend, dickhead."

You hung up the call and threw your phone to the side. What a way to find out you're being cheated on. Nano tried calling you back but you turned off your phone. You didn't want to hear his pathetic excuses. Not even half an hour later he was banging on your door.

"It was an April Fools prank!"

"Don't make up excuses! I don't wanna hear them!"

"For fuck's sake, I was kidding! Do you not know what day is it today?"

You opened the door, "You know I have that girl."

"I love it when you're angry."

You did too. Angry sex was always mind-blowing. And this time was no exception.


Except for you screaming his brother's name when you came. This was payback.

• Marina:

"Your phone's ringing!" Marina shouted.

"Then answer it!"

"Why is Christian calling you?"

You walked over quickly, "Never mind, it's nothing important."

But the phone rang again with the same ID caller.

"Since when are you such good friends with him?"

"So, you can be friends with the new kids but I can't?"

"You don't see them calling me, do you?"

"Maybe he just wanted the homework," you shrugged.

"We both know the one thing he wants, and it's not homework," she stated, "And he knows you're with me. So spill it."

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